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SF East Bay Travel Talk - May 10 (online, everyone welcome)

Please join our online Travel Group meetings!

We're a group of travelers from across the US and beyond who love to swap stories about our travels and get ideas for new destinations.

WHEN: Saturday, May 10, 2025 @ 11am-1pm Pacific (posting early due to my upcoming travels)
WHERE: online

Please RSVP on this thread. I will send the meeting link via private forum message a few days prior to the meeting.

New participants, please note: if you are new to this meeting, there is a security setup step which I will send to you via private message on this forum. You must complete that step and reply to my message. After I receive your reply, I will send the meeting link.

Posted by
5685 posts

TRAVEL TOPICs for May 10

Destination topic 1: New Zealand with TexasTravelMom
Destination topic 2: open

Posted by
5685 posts

FUTURE ONLINE MEETINGS: 2nd Saturdays, except as noted

(April - no meeting)

Jun 14, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Greece/Albania/N Macedonia trip with CWsocial
Destination topic 2: Asia trip report with Andrea

(July - no meeting)
(August - no meeting)

Posted by
2457 posts

count me in

Especially interested in hearing about Japan since I am hoping to travel there in October.

Posted by
5685 posts

Hey all, Barbara has an important conflict and can't make it. So, we have an open spot. I will update on the itinerary when I confirm.

TexasTravelMom, please let me know your availability and if you have a preferred destination you'd like to share from your epic journey!

Posted by
2935 posts

I'd like to hear from anyone who has taken the small group tours in the Virginie or Sarah style and what the pluses and minuses were.

Posted by
5094 posts

Well, I was thinking I would do New Zealand, but I can talk about Japan instead, if you want. I will be there for 3 weeks just before our May meeting. Barbara is doing another lovely well-organized trip and mine is going to be far less organized. But I can certainly cover basics. Lol.

Let me know what you’d prefer.

Posted by
5685 posts

Let's go with New Zealand. I'll see about rescheduling Japan.

Posted by
2959 posts

A thought - I am still interested in Jean's Spain trip if she wants to share photos to go with her excellent trip report. But all other destinations great too!!

Posted by
5685 posts

Oooh, I'm wondering where y' might be to question the wifi!

Posted by
1562 posts

Add me, please. May or may not be able to actually attend depending on the status of our France trip but will let you know a few days before the meeting.