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SF East Bay Hosts Travel Talk: Paris and Basque Country - Feb 8 (online, everyone welcome)

Please join our online Travel Group meetings!

We started when our local travel group went online in 2020. Now we're a group of travelers from across the US and beyond who love to swap stories about our travels and get ideas for new destinations.

WHEN: Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 11am-1pm Pacific
WHERE: online

Please RSVP on this thread. I will send the meeting link via private forum message a few days prior to the meeting.

Posted by
5685 posts

TRAVEL TOPICs for Feb 8 (pending confirmation from avirosemail and dlindstrom)

Destination topic 1: Paris with avirosemail, hear about his Thanksgiving trip!

Destination topic 2: French Basque Country with dlindstrom who lives in Spain and works in the Navarra Basque Country

Come ask questions or share your own stories of travels in Paris, the Basque Country or anywhere in France, really!

Posted by
5685 posts

FUTURE ONLINE MEETINGS: 2nd Saturdays, except as noted

Mar 8, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination Topic 1: Spain, hear from Jean and Tammy after their visits to Spain
Jean will share colorful photos, among others, of the Sevilla Alcazar at Night Light Show & the Malaga Carnaval

Topic 2 (If time allows): how do you research restaurants for your trips?

(April - no meeting)

May 10, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Japan with Barbara!
Destination or discussion topic 2: choice of destinations from TexasTravelMom (TBD)

Jun 14, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Greece/Albania/N Macedonia trip with CWsocial
Destination topic 2: Asia trip report with Andrea

(July - no meeting)

Aug 9, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: OPEN
Destination topic 2: OPEN

Posted by
4432 posts

So excited for these zooms. The topics are great. And yes, please include me.

Posted by
10823 posts

I hate to miss this one. Paris is my favorite city and I hope to go to Basque Country some day. My family will be visiting from out of town/State so I won’t be able to make it.

Posted by
646 posts

Yes, please, as I'm heading to Paris in April and need Avi's help!


Posted by
15 posts

Please add me (Christine) to your RSVP list! Interested in hearing about Basque & planning future trip to Japan! Thanks.

Posted by
801 posts

Sorry, I can't make it to the meeting this month, but I did enjoy reading Avi's Thanksgiving in Paris and more trip report.

Posted by
19 posts

East Bay here! I would like to join, please. Traveling to ‘Spanish’ Basque and French Aquitaine region in April.

Posted by
5094 posts

I would love to hear the topics, but if weather is good where I am, I will miss. But if weather is bad and my activity is cancelled, attending would make me feel better!

Posted by
5685 posts

Welcome cwelsche and rueterjon!

I have sent each of you a forum message with a simple setup instruction. Please reply and I will send the meeting link in reply a few days before the meeting.

Posted by
5685 posts

I have sent the meeting link via forum message to everyone with an RSVP above.

cwelsche and rueterjon

I have sent each of you a forum message with a preliminary setup instruction. Please respond and I will send the meeting link in reply a few days before the meeting.

Posted by
5685 posts

SunnyBlueFlax, I've just sent you a message on this forum with setup instructions and the meeting link. Welcome!

Posted by
5685 posts

Last call (today) for anyone new who would like to join the meeting, as you'll need time for me to send the meeting setup instructions.

I'll check this thread until about 1 hour ahead of meeting time tomorrow for any repeat visitors (those who have already completed the setup) who would still like to join.

Still waiting on 2 responses, as noted a few posts above.

Posted by
5685 posts

Nancy - I've just sent you a forum message that includes everything you need to join tomorrow. Welcome!

Posted by
2935 posts

I have whittled my presentation down to just over 200 slides so make sure you have your coffee ready.

Posted by
5685 posts

Sounds like it's time for the "Big Gulp" cup ;-)

dlindstrom, I guess you'll be going first so that you can go to bed before the marathon begins!!

Posted by
646 posts

Hi Catherine,
I am here, but I didn´t get a link
I have my presentation ready

Posted by
2935 posts

For brunch/lunch in the area near Place des Vosges these are two of the better choices:

These two especially because I like Provencal dishes and bobo lifestyle.
There are other good alternatives to falafel as well.

Vero is a fan of this place (no website):

Les Rosiers
2 Rue des Rosiers, 75004

Posted by
2935 posts

diveloonie asked about finding dining spots at the meeting today --

whenever I hear from someone or read something that mentions a restaurant that interests me I pin it on google maps and do a little triage to decide which would be my top choices, and when I'm out that means at lunchtime or dinner time I can look on the map on my phone and see which ones are closest to me -- this is if I haven't already made a reservation.

Making a reservation and a plan is usually better, and that's why having a phone eSIM is so handy b/c I can use their web page or just call them to get a table.

Posted by
5685 posts

Funny you should mention about dining spots ... while we were on the call, I added it as a topic for our March meeting!

Posted by
1127 posts

Sorry to miss the meeting, but I was just going to ask about favorite places to eat! Yes, please let's talk about dining at our next meeting...