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SF East Bay Hosts Travel Talk: Let's talk about Spain - Dec 14 (online, everyone welcome)

Please join our online Travel Group meetings! We welcome newcomers and travelers from around the globe.

We started when our local travel meetup group went online in 2020. Now we're a group of travelers from across the US and beyond who love to swap stories about our travels.

WHERE: online
WHEN: Saturday, December 14 @ 11am-1pm Pacific

Please RSVP on this thread if you'd like to join us. I will send the meeting link via private forum message a few days prior to the meeting.

Posted by
5685 posts

TRAVEL TOPICs for Dec 14:

We'll hear from travelers recently back from Spain. Jean and Christine wlil share photos from their 2024 trips. And, time permitting, we'll hear from dlindstrom about some picturesque villages in the north of Spain.

Join us and ask questions or just share your own stories of travels in Spain!

(I'm posting this early due to my own travels.)

Posted by
5685 posts

FUTURE ONLINE MEETINGS: 2nd Saturdays, except as noted

Jan 11, 2025 11am PT - 1pm PT
Destination topic: Italy with Jean!!
Discussion topic: traveling in Italy as compared to Spain

Feb 8, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Paris with avirosemail
Destination topic 2: OPEN

Mar 8, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination Topic 1: Spain, after a couple of people are back from their trips!

(April - no meeting)

May 10, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Japan with Barbara!
Destination or discussion topic 2: choice of destinations from TexasTravelMom (TBD)

Jun 14, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Albania with Carol (to be confirmed by her)
Destination topic 2: Greece/Albania/N Macedonia trip with CWsocial

(July - no meeting)

Aug 9, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: OPEN
Destination topic 2: OPEN

Posted by
8163 posts

CWSocial, I would love to join the Spain meeting, if possible! I will be heading back to Spain in a few months, so this is very timely. My husband & I loved our time earlier this year (February) in Spain at Malaga, Estepona, Cadiz, Sevilla & Madrid in case there’s questions about those cities.

Posted by
2457 posts

Would love to join discussion.

Just returned from Barcelona, my first time. Took a cruise from Barcelona, my 9th cruise.

Posted by
10823 posts

I would love to join, but I’ll be traveling. The same reason I missed the last one. I’m sorry I’ll be missing it.

Posted by
34688 posts

yes please, very much!

Since bostonphil7 had such a good time this time, I'd love to hear what she has to say!

Posted by
1711 posts

As things stand, I can make this one! Hurrah!

Posted by
5685 posts

I'm so glad there will be lots of different Spain experiences to hear about and people to ask questions of!

I'll send the meeting link much closer to the date.... after I'm back from Spain!

Posted by
9343 posts

I should be able to join as will be recovering from a knee surgery.
Having walked through Spain on several Caminos, I can talk about some of the less visited towns on this forum - Burgos, Leon, Astorga, as well as the famous Pamplona and Santiago and tons of smaller towns in between - Fromista, Castrojeriz, Estella, Padron, etc.

Posted by
4432 posts

Oh no, that date is no good for me. I do love Spain and wanted to hear about your trip. Have a fun meeting.

Posted by
5685 posts

Ms Jo, fabulous that you can join us to share thoughts on smaller towns.

Well, at least we'll have some Barbara representation!

Tammy, I've never pre-booked so many dinners and activities. Partly because I'm on a shorter timeline, with only 2.5 weeks for this trip - squished in between Halloween at home (200+ trick or treaters) and Thanksgiving in Denver. And maybe I just got into the swing of it, after needing to book the Alhambra and a couple of other high demand sights. Ok, and I did book up several Flamenco evenings, just because!!

Posted by
5685 posts

My perspective after 2 nights in Cordoba, with great food at Regadera, breakfast in the flowery and tranquil Balcon de Córdoba courtyard, music and dancing in the streets on Saturday night, an equestrian flamenco show (thanks Christine) and colorful pottery and patios, what's not to love!!

And in case I thought I'd "seen everything" - including amazing mosques and cathedrals - the Mezquita Cathedral is a new level of incredible.

Christine, I get it!

ETA: a foot of new snow in my second home of Denver adds to the contrast. Farrah is in her own snowy heaven.

Posted by
801 posts

CWSocial, So glad you love Cordoba as much as I do! Truly a magical place!

I'm back from Spain now and happy to report on a few places that Rick doesn't cover in his guidebook such as Cádiz, Zaragoza and Teruel.

Posted by
5685 posts

Tammy, my tip for the day is to bring lots of phone battery to the Alhambra for the audio guide. I'm 3 hours in to my visit and nowhere near finished. I already charged my phone once. I have just stopped for lunch (onsite cafeteria) and found a plug and am charging my power bank, so I'll be set!

Posted by
8163 posts

CWsocial, glad to hear you’re enjoying Cordoba! I am going back in February to all repeat places, except Marbella is new, and spending three nights in Cordoba this time. I would love to add Cadiz again to this itinerary, but I don’t have time since I already have other ones I don’t want to miss: Sevilla, Estepona & Malaga (Carnaval dates).

Posted by
5685 posts

Jean, I did love Córdoba. And now Granada as well, though I've only been here a day. I look forward to hearing about the other towns you liked. I can never have too many travel ideas and I love the blend of cultures in this area.

Posted by
132 posts

Just back from the Rick Steves Andalusia tour and hoping to join this online meeting to share and compare experiences.

Posted by
47 posts

We are interested in the December 14th meeting about Spain. We are planning on a trip in April.

Posted by
5685 posts

lynn3374 and Tom, glad you'll both make it!

My last couple of nights in Sevilla...can't wait to swap stories!!

Posted by
1328 posts

Sounds interesting and I would love to hear what others have to say!

Posted by
15806 posts

I'd love to join you all. I've been to Andalucia for 2 weeks or more 3 times and rented a car twice. I've also been to Barcelona multiple times, Madrid and Valencia.

Posted by
5685 posts

SharYn and Chani, marvelous! I'm looking forward to hearing from everyone and learning about new places to visit!

Posted by
1127 posts

GREAT, so look forward to hearing more about travel to Spain!

Posted by
8163 posts

”If anyone wants to bring a few favorite Spain photos, you are welcome. I've shown enough, so I'll let someone else share!”

I can prepare a couple from both Estepona & Cadiz. Otherwise, our photos are mostly of the main locations people visit.

Posted by
646 posts

CWSocial, I'd love to join and learn more about Spain, as I've never been. Gracias!

Posted by
5685 posts

Jean, I've never been to either of those and would love to see photos!

Posted by
2177 posts

I’d like to join if you still have room. I’ll be in the north of Spain in September and am looking for some place to add days post tour.

Posted by
646 posts

If small picturesque villages of the North are of interest, I could share some photos too.

@Jean, saw your post in CW's trip report. Have you thought of visiting the northern part of Spain?

Maybe this could be some incentive: "Is the best ice cream shop of Spain in Logroño?" Sorry it is in Spanish, but it is an article about Fernando Sáenz, known as the Cold Chef. He has won many prizes for his cold creations. He has an ice cream shop in Logroño. "Shade of the Fig Tree" is probably the most famous flavor, but my favorite is the roasted pineapple.

Posted by
5685 posts

Plenty of room, Diane!

I'm thinking of questions to ask some of our travelers... feel free to post any questions here, or just ask during the meeting.

I'm interested in knowing about the Carnaval in Cadiz. It sounds fun, and I'd much rather go to something like that in a smaller town. (I don't love crowds, but enjoyed a smaller Oktoberfest in Erfurt.)

ETA: reading about it, the Caraval in Cadiz may not be small at all!

Posted by
8163 posts

@dlindstrom, I haven’t been further north than Madrid for Spain. More possibilities! I travel by train or bus, so sometimes that limits some of the practical cities to visit. The ice cream sounds wonderful!

Posted by
8163 posts

”I'm interested in knowing about the Carnaval in Cadiz. It sounds fun, and I'd much rather go to something like that in a smaller town.”

I’m not sure of the comparison, but I will be attending the Malaga Carnaval next February. They were setting up for it when my husband & I were there last February. I’m definitely not a fan of crowds when it keeps me from being able to see something or it causes a long line to enter an activity. ….or when I look around and feel like I am in a crowd of American tourists. But, even though the Carnaval in Cadiz was definitely crowded at times, we were able to see & participate in everything we wanted to do that week. Plus, it was easy to take a break by just walking to a different street or area during the day. And the crowd felt Spanish, not touristy.

Posted by
1127 posts

I wondered if you'd like to see the few ceramics I bought in Sevilla, 45 years ago? Because we biked around Andalusia for 2 weeks, I must have bought them at the end of the trip. How I LOVED those tiled entryways in Sevilla & Cordoba...

Posted by
5685 posts

If small picturesque villages of the North are of interest, I could share some photos too.

Definitely of interest, dlindstrom!

Now, I often get myself into trouble when I get excited about a topic and schedule too many people to share pictures. So, we may have to see how we are on time during the meeting to see what we can fit in. If not this meeting, I'm up for scheduling another one about Spain!

Posted by
5685 posts

Good info on the Cadiz Carnaval, thanks Jean!

I will be attending the Malaga Carnaval next February.
Oh, that will be fun to hear about! If you and Tammy are both back from your trips, perhaps we can talk about Spain again in March.

Posted by
5685 posts

I wondered if you'd like to see the few ceramics I bought in Sevilla, 45 years ago?
Of course! Were you thinking of bringing them to an in person meeting? Or a photo for online? You've reminded me of something that I should add to my trip report ....

Posted by
1127 posts

I will just have them handy for the December 14th online meeting, I noticed they're sadly starting to get some small chips in them.

Posted by
5685 posts

I noticed they're sadly starting to get some small chips in them.

I once read a piece about the Japanese philosophy of Kintsugi, which "embodies the idea of finding beauty in brokenness and valuing the history of an object, rather than hiding damage."

When I broke a corner of one of my 2 flower vases from Amsterdam, I tried to remember that philosophy. I didn't go so far as to highlight the cracks with gold powder, "essentially making the repaired item even more beautiful by embracing its imperfections." But as I think about it, perhaps I should pick up some gold paint ....

Please bring them to show us!!

Posted by
5685 posts

I have sent the meeting link to everyone who expressed interest above. If you haven't received it, my repetitive process failed - please let me know and I will hook you up!

To anyone who has not attended this meeting, please check your forum messages for the setup instructions and follow those prior to the meeting.

There is still room for anyone else who would like to join - whether that's to get ideas for an upcoming trip or reminisce with other travelers about a past trip to Spain. Everyone is welcome!

Posted by
1127 posts

I didn't go so far as to highlight the cracks with gold powder,
"essentially making the repaired item even more beautiful by embracing
its imperfections."

I saw this a lot while living in Japan, it's beautiful when done correctly. Then again, I still think they did it because they cracked something valuable! I'm just going to enjoy the pottery as is....

Posted by
1562 posts

If there’s still room, it looks like I will be able to attend.

Posted by
8163 posts

CWsocial, is it possible for us to share our cities starting from the south and working towards the north? I want to join your meeting as long as possible Saturday but am also hosting our neighborhood Christmas party at my home that day. I may need to drop 30 minutes early in order to start some dough.

Posted by
5685 posts

Oh my, Jean - you have a busy day! Yes, of course. I think it will be nice to have you share your pictures first, which will also help kick of questions and discussions.

And can you bring some of whatever yummy treat you're making to share with us all? ;-)

Posted by
8163 posts

CWsocial, my Christmas appetizers won’t be ready that morning - LOL!, But I did insert a photo of that amazing gelato in Cadiz into the quick picture set for Saturday.

Posted by
801 posts

I also included a photo in my Spain slide show of that amazing gelato in Cádiz that Jean recommended! Loved it!

Posted by
5685 posts

I can't see a non crazy way to fit Spain into my 2025 plans, but Cadiz is on the list for my next trip - and the only reason I currently know to go there is to eat amazing gelato!!

I'm sure you'll both straighten me out about other reasons to go!!

Posted by
8163 posts

CWsocial, this opens up a whole new idea of a gelato journey photo set through southern Spain and just skip the set I was going to show you! LOL!

Posted by
5685 posts

Jean, absolutely, I could base an entire trip around a gelato journey! Delish!!

Posted by
5685 posts

Everyone, your meeting link may act differently than you are used to, with a "redirect" to the actual link. It is just fine, perfectly safe, nothing to worry about. If you like, you can delete everything preceding the start of the actual Berkeley link. And if that doesn't mean anything to you, don't worry about that either.

Just click on the link and if it brings up a redirect page, follow it. It's not a scam link!!

Posted by
34688 posts

uh oh - tech specialist on the loose! Quick - hide the Oreos!

Posted by
5685 posts

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and talking about Spain! There is still space if anyone would like to join.

I will open the meeting about 15 minutes ahead so that you can test your audio, video and photo sharing if you wish.

Posted by
5685 posts

Valerie and mln, I've just sent you each a message with the meeting link. See you online tomorrow!

Posted by
5685 posts


Valerie and mln, I have sent you the original version of the link, which should be easier to use.

IGNORE: ...your link will act differently tomorrow.

If you're tech-minded, you can strip off the Google portion of the link up until the start of the 2nd "https" portion.

If that doesn't mean anything to you, then use the link "as is" and follow the redirect link when you see it. It is not a scam. It won't steal your travel funds from your bank account ;-)

Posted by
5685 posts

Last call to join us in Spain! I will check this thread until 30 minutes prior to the meeting.

Don't fear the link. See you all soon!

Posted by
5685 posts

EVERYONE, it's actually easier if you just click on the entire, original link that I sent you, as is, including the "google" part at the front. Otherwise, it will ask you for a passcode.

Valerie and mln, I am going to send you the original link version.

Posted by
3672 posts

Greetings forum friends,
We are going to Andalucia in February, 2025 (coming up really quick) and I have booked my train tickets from Seville to Cordoba and from Cordoba to Granada. However, there are a couple of things I need help with. We would prefer not to rent a car, but will as a last resort. It's not the driving we mind, it's the parking!

Logistics problem 1-We arrive in Malaga on February 19th in the late afternoon and need to get to El Chorro after we land at the Malaga airport. We have reservations to overnight at Complejo Turístico La Garganta because the following morning we plan to do the Caminito del Rey hike (already have my tickets). I'm thinking we may need to do a private transfer because we don't want to wait around for a train or bus after over 30 hours of flying. Likewise, we don't want to rent a car.

Logistics problem 2-Then, after we are done with our hike we need to go straight to Seville. I know there is a train station in El Chorro, but don't see any train times on Renfre or Trainline. Help.

Logistics problem 3-After our stay in Granada we need to get to Ronda. Bus, train??? Again, I don't see a train when I look at the website.

Logistics problem 4-After our two night stay in Ronda, we need to get back to Malaga to overnight before our early morning departure on March 6th.

Any help or advise is appreciated. I do think we may need to pay the big bucks for some private transfers, but open to any and all suggestions. TIA!

Posted by
2935 posts

Great stories and photos in the meeting today!
Thanks everyone who contributed!

It's always especially cool when we see the same locales from more than one perspective.
And more than one white-balance setting on your cameras/phones too "-P

Posted by
5685 posts

Tammy, I remember this thread when I was planning my trip:

"I booked airport transfers via Suntransfers. I’ve used them before in Spain and find them to be reliable and economical. Highly recommend."

Is it possible train times just aren't posted yet? Can you see your journeys for, say, January dates?

It's also possible they will be posted after the mid December (usually around Dec 14) train schedule updates that happen every year in some markets.

I'm guessing....

Posted by
5685 posts

Everyone - I've updated the "Destination topics" for some of the upcoming meetings, based on trips all have taken or will be taking.

January - Jean will share some of her travels to Italy. I have room for 1 more photo presenter.

February - our destination is open for nominations

March - we will return to Spain, after Jean and Tammy will be back from their winter trips

May - I will be back from Greece/Albania/N Macedonia and can share highlights. I have room for 1 more destination, either in that region or not.

Beyond that is also open. Please feel free to nominate a destination topic based on somewhere you would like to share (with or without photos) or somewhere you would like to hear from others about.

Posted by
9010 posts


The train from El Chorro to Seville, for instance is currently on the RENFE system up until 13 February- exactly two months time, so should appear for your date (the following week) on Friday or Saturday of next week, The same applies for your other journeys- see your other thread on this subject.

If they aren't in the system (which they aren't) then no-one can buy the fares.

Posted by
5685 posts

Oh, Carol, are you around to share a travel destination with us in May?

Posted by
5685 posts

I got lots of good notes today for places to add to my next Spain itinerary and things to do one there. Thank you everyone for sharing your trips!

Posted by
2457 posts

I am thinking of my first trip to Paris maybe in the Spring.

I would love to hear members talk about Paris and see pictures.

And what about Japan? May be doing a cruise around Japan one of these days.

Posted by
2457 posts

Enjoyed the discussion.

Left a bit early because I felt a need to lie down.Thought that I could do it while listening but it did not work.

In the feed, I recommended "A Red Virgin" on Amazon Prime. True story of Hildebrand around The Spanish Revolution. Think it took place in Madrid.

Very haunting story.

Posted by
9343 posts

Thanks for organizing a great meeting. Sorry I had to leave early, my bed was calling me. Urgently.
I forgot to add that I have taken trains in Spain on more than one occasion, going from Santiago to Madrid, from Palencia to Astorga, and from a town 45 min. outside of Barcelona into Barcelona. Have used the buses extensively and they are lovely to use, if that is an option for you.

Posted by
3672 posts

Thank you Stuart for that train information. I will keep checking the trains. I’m just impatient and want to have everything planned and booked.

Posted by
8163 posts

Avirosemail & all,

I’m finished with my neighborhood holiday party and relaxing now with my feet up! Here’s the info requested. I added the lodging we used for the other cities, too, in case you’re interested. All of these except the Madrid repeat were reserved through


Malaga - Malaga Soho Boutique Colon Hotel

Estepona - Hanami Avenida de Espana Sea Front

Cadiz - Skyline 10th floor Penthouse on Avenida del Puerto. This is that amazing penthouse in Cadiz that I showed in the photos this morning. The owners were very nice & quick to respond when I asked a question about the hot water heater…and also sent a WhatsApp the next morning to make sure all was fine - very nice & caring!

Sevilla - Las Casas de El Arenal. I will be staying here again next February.

Madrid - Hostal Central Palace Madrid. This is the beautiful hotel room in the tiny hotel I showed you this morning with the amazing view over the royal palace.

Cadiz Gelato Shop!

Posted by
34688 posts

lovely to meet new faces, and the presentations were great. Sorry I had to duck out

Posted by
1127 posts

Thanks everyone, especially CWS, for organizing a wonderful meeting & keeping us on track! Jean, really great to put a face to a name & appreciated all the local knowledge from Dlindstrom, thanks again!

Posted by
646 posts

It seems some people were interested in the places I had mentioned.

Two cities that are easy to get to and are worth the visit are Burgos and Zaragoza, as others have said.

I believed I mentioned a trip I took July 2-4 (by car). Briefly:

Day 1: Logroño to Soria. Visited Monasterio de San Juan de Duero and had lunch in Soria. After lunch we stopped at the castle of Calatañazor and then on to Burgo de Osma. We visited the cathedral and we were the only ones there.
Day 2: We left early, got so coffee and pastries to go and had breakfast at the castle of Ucero. From Ucero we went to the monastery of Silos. Here there were a few other tourists. Next we moved on to the Sad Hill Cemetery, which was in the Good The Bad and The Ugly. We tried to visit another place where they filmed but it was close for lunch, so we made a picnic there. After eating we went to Covarrubias. This is where we had drinks in the bar that closed. We finished the day getting to Burgos in time to visit La Cartuja Santa Maria de Miraflores. I really love this place, very beautiful and peaceful.
Day 3; Visit the Cathedral and then up to Bilbao for lunch and my friends took a plane home.

I am a big fan of the "Emptied Spain". There is a large part of north central Spain that is almost empty. There are parts that have a population density lower than Lappland in Finland. Teruel is kind of right in the middle of it, and Soria is also part of it. There are many little villages and town that have lots of historical little churchs and fortifications. In the province of Zaragoza there is an area called the Cinco Villas, and it is full of little towns and Roman ruins that do not receive many tourist.

To the best of my ability, I'm happy try and answer any questions about these places or other ones in the north.

Posted by
1562 posts

CWSocial: sorry for the delay in responding. I think we will be home. We’re leaving on May 13 if all goes according to plan so I think I can talk about our Albania trip.

Also, thanks to everyone who gave presentations and shared ideas and experiences. And thanks, CW, for the map. It was great to see the location of the towns!

Posted by
1562 posts

I’ve thought more about May 10 and it might be too close to our departure date. Can I let you know later?

Posted by
4432 posts

So sorry I issued this month’s meeting. From what I am reading it sounded like a lively discussion.
I’ll be back from 3 weeks in Japan early April if anyone wants to hear about it in May (if Carol is too busy).

Posted by
5685 posts

Thank you, Jean, for your hotels, all of which I've added to my hotel research notes. Thank you for giving me new reasons to visit Cadiz, beyond gelato. Although I do plan to find that little van!

dlindstrom, thank you for your 3 day car itinerary and comments about lesser known areas to research for a future visit in Spain.

And thanks to Christine for sharing your recent trip - the photos were lovely!

My "next visit" notes for Spain are very compelling, thank you all for sharing your trips, your trip photos and your experiences!

Posted by
5685 posts

Carol, I will barely be back from my trip (Greece, Albania, N Macedonia) as well. I'm going to switch that topic to June.

ETA: I just re-read your comment that you're departing again on May 13th. If your return from that trip is too close for the June meeting, let me know. Goodness, where are you off to in June?

Barbara, I will put you down for sharing your Japan trip at the May meeting, thank you!

Posted by
801 posts

CWsocial Thank you for hosting and sharing the Spain map during my presentation. I think it is really helpful for people to see the locations on a map.

Great meeting everyone!

Posted by
5094 posts

Let me know if you want any additional time on Japan in May. I might be going places Barbara isn’t. Or New Zealand - I will be there 5 weeks. August works for me also, but not sure about any other months yet.

Posted by
1562 posts

We are going to Japan this month and may also be able to share some different sights and experiences. Not sure when, though.