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SF East Bay Hosts Travel Talk: Let's talk about Italy - Jan 11 (online, everyone welcome)

Please join our online Travel Group meetings!

We started when our local travel meetup group went online in 2020. Now we're a group of travelers from across the US and beyond who love to swap stories about our travels.

WHERE: online
WHEN: Saturday, January 11, 2025 @ 11am-1pm Pacific

Please RSVP on this thread to join. I will send the meeting link via private forum message a few days prior to the meeting.

Posted by
5685 posts

TRAVEL TOPICs for Jan 11:

Italy Venice, Verona, Florence, Bologna with Tammy
Italy Puglia and smaller cities in Italy with Jean

Are you planning a trip to Italy? Come ask your questions of recent travelers, or get ideas to inspire your travel wish list!

Posted by
5685 posts

FUTURE ONLINE MEETINGS: 2nd Saturdays, except as noted

Feb 8, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Paris with avirosemail, hear about his Thanksgiving trip!
Destination topic 2: French Basque Country with dlindstrom who lives in Spain and works in the Navarra Basque Country

Mar 8, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination Topic 1: Spain, hear from Jean and Tammy after their visits to Spain
Jean will share colorful photos, among others, of the Sevilla Alcazar at Night Light Show & the Malaga Carnaval

Destination Topic 2: OPEN

(April - no meeting)

May 10, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Japan with Barbara!
Destination or discussion topic 2: choice of destinations from TexasTravelMom (TBD)

Jun 14, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: Greece/Albania/N Macedonia trip with CWsocial
Destination topic 2: Asia trip report with Andrea

(July - no meeting)

Aug 9, 2025 11am - 1pm PT
Destination topic 1: OPEN
Destination topic 2: OPEN

Posted by
5094 posts

Ok, it is POSSIBLE I can make the first hour of the January meeting - as long as you have space for me. I know I can’t stay the whole time and I have no idea about wifi capability yet.

For May, maybe people have a preference for me? Options from this trip: New Zealand, Melbourne & Tasmania; Vietnam; or more Japan with Barbara.

Posted by
16 posts

Please sign me up, am going to be in Italy for my first time in April and would love to get some tips.

Posted by
10823 posts

I’m not positive yet that I will be available, but I’d like to attend if it works out.

Posted by
966 posts

I have an event that day, but I will try to join for the first 45 minutes or so.

Posted by
2362 posts

Italy is my fave - coming up on trip #15! Count me in.

Posted by
8163 posts

I’m making it official that I will attend, and I am presenting on Italy. : )

I’ll briefly show a couple of the more obscure cities I have stayed from the list of 40 and then focus on the Puglia region where I concentrated last May.

Posted by
1562 posts

I hope to attend. Sent from our Zip Air plane on the way home. Free WiFi!

Posted by
4 posts

I would love to join. My daughter and I are planning a trip to Italy in October 2025. I have not traveled internationally since I was a child. Lots of questions on my end. Would love to glean all I can. Thanks for including.


Posted by
3672 posts

I would like to attend. I did just go to Italy, am I telling about our trip? I have finished my photobook so could show that.

Posted by
5685 posts

Thank you, Jean and Tammy!

Jean, wow, 40 towns in Italy ... fabulous! I am looking forward to hearing about the Puglia region, which I've not been to.

Tammy, yes please, we'd love to see your photobook! And maybe you can pick a page and show us how you put them together. Not the whole process...maybe show us how you add all that lovely artwork?

I think people are going to want to ask you (and others who have recently traveled in Italy) questions about your visits, from simple logistics, to recommendations. To allow time for that, if we plan each presentation for about 20 minutes, that will give us more than an hour for discussion and questions.

Thank you both!! With the new United nonstop from Denver to Rome, I've got a keen eye on a return to Italy! It's been 6 years since I've been there and I know a lot has changed.

Posted by
5685 posts

I've sent forum messages to those who are new to these online meetings, or perhaps haven't attended in a while. Please reply to my message that you've completed the setup, after which I will send the meeting link.

For those who have regularly attended these meetings, you've already completed the setup and I will send the meeting link nearer the meeting date.

Posted by
15806 posts

Please include me. I'm especially interested in Jean's tales of Puglia, one of the few regions I haven't explored yet. And Tammy in some of my favorite places!!

Posted by
2959 posts

I'd like to join as well, thanks!

Posted by
8163 posts

CWsocial, thanks for the details of the logistics of the meeting! I thought I would start with a few minutes’ very brief look at a couple of the less traveled cities that might interest others to explore and then drop into the Puglia region for the majority of the time.

Posted by
5685 posts

Thank you, Jean, I am looking forward to hearing about the cities you choose and the region of Puglia, which I've not been to!

Posted by
11 posts

Please add me - headed to Italy with Rick Steves in May. Thank you!

Posted by
5685 posts

MaryK, welcome! Perfect timing before your trip. I've sent you the setup instructions and the meeting link.

Previous participants: I will send the meeting link this coming week.

New participants: I have sent each of you the "setup instructions." Please respond to that forum message and I will reply with the meeting link.

Posted by
5685 posts

Everyone who has expressed interest, above, should have a message from me.

Previous participants - you should have received a forum message with the meeting link.

New participants - you have received Setup Instructions to follow before joining the meeting. If you are fairly new to the forum, please reply to my message that you've completed the setup and I will send the meeting link. If you've been on the forum for a while, I sent the setup and meeting link together.

If you have not received a forum message from me, please reply here or in a message and I'll have a word with my Chief of Communications about the oversight!

And there is still room for anyone who would like to join us in Italy!!

Posted by
275 posts

I’d love to join. (And hopefully don’t forget).

Posted by
5685 posts

Judy B and Patty, I have sent the meeting link in a forum message.

Patrick C, welcome! I have sent setup instructions to you in a forum message. Please follow the steps in that message and reply to me.

Posted by
4 posts

We love Italy. We were there a couple of years ago and plan to return this May.

Posted by
8163 posts

CWsocial, I worked on the Puglia presentation yesterday & today, and it’s almost finished. Putting it together made me SO excited to return this year! It’s been “a good assignment” - not homework! ; ). Now if I could just finish my photo albums…

Posted by
5685 posts

Jean, that's so good to hear. I can't wait to hear about Puglia and get excited about planning a trip back to Italy! It's been too long.

Posted by
94 posts

CWsocial, I'd love to hear Italy travel talk! It's been awhile; please send sign-in setup instructions (it's a new year and I'm feeling optimistic, lol).

Posted by
5685 posts

robin and ljbreton - please check your messages on this forum and reply by Friday (Jan 10th) to confirm your setup and receive the meeting link.

bugslife - the message I sent you has a reminder of everything you need for Saturday. No need to confirm as you have attended meetings in the past and completed the setup.

Posted by
5685 posts

MaizeMamma63 - I've just sent you a message on this forum with the setup step required before the meeting and the meeting link.

How timely for your trip to Puglia in March!

Posted by
5685 posts

AWAITING YOUR REPLY - 2 participants


I have not received your reply to the forum messages I sent with the setup instructions. Please check your messages on this forum, follow the setup instructions and reply back to me to receive the meeting link.

Posted by
5950 posts

CWsocial, If it isn’t too late I would like to join.

Posted by
5685 posts

Laura - it's not too late at all, glad you can join us! I've sent a forum message with the setup and meeting details.

Last chance tonight for anyone who hasn't joined these meetings before, due to the setup step.

For anyone who has participated before, I will check this thread until about 40 minutes before the meeting and can still send you the details.

Posted by
5685 posts

EVERYONE - I will launch the meeting about 15 minutes before the start time so you can join, check your audio and video, and chat with friends. We'll travel to Italy at 11am Pacific!

Posted by
1328 posts

I just realized that I hadn’t signed up for this yet!
Please send me the link, and thanks as always for doing this!

Posted by
646 posts

If it's not too late, I would like to join (not sure how I missed it before now!)


Posted by
5685 posts

ponygirl813 and SharYn, message with link just sent. See you online tomorrow!

Posted by
5685 posts

Last call to join the Italy travel meeting this morning!

I'll start the session 15 minutes early so that you can test your audio and video. The meeting will start promptly at 11am Pacific Time.

Posted by
336 posts

I’m sorry but I won’t be able to attend. Hope to attend the next one.

Posted by
1709 posts

CW, I would be happy to do a little trip report at the June meeting about our trip to Asia (we go Feb/Mar). Just let me know.

Posted by
5685 posts

Andrea, yes please, I'll put you on the schedule! Where in Asia will you be going?

Posted by
1709 posts

CW, we will be in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong and South Korea.

Posted by
2935 posts

Great presentations today! Both Tammy and Jean are exemplars of jumping in and start swwimming,
and Jean's travel style is the kind I admire.

Posted by
34687 posts

wonderful - thanks CWsocial and both Tammy and Jean


I haven't been back to Italy since infernal covid

Posted by
8163 posts

For the last question about how I facilitate easy 1-night stops, here’s the two items I mentioned. These two & my iPad are the only items I take out of my Cotopaxi travel bag.

The bedside holder stores my phone/iPad chargers, reading glasses, pen & Post-its, lip balm & holds my phone, room key & money belt at night. Also, anyemergency, and I can just grab this bag with the essentials. This link has the item & a quick video of how to use it:

This toiletry kit keeps everything very organized which is key. It’s heavier than other choices I have used, but I have gone back to this one again because of its efficiency. Even at 14oz., it’s worth the extra ounces.
“ Personal Organizer Toiletry Bag, Medium”

Those items & my clean clothes drying in the bathroom are the only items to return to the bag. If I’m not changing hotels, these still are returned to the bag, and I place my bag in the room closet.

Posted by
5685 posts

Jean and Tammy, thank you both for taking the time to prepare your photobooks/presentations and for sharing them with us today. I'm happy to have new ideas for two trips to Italy: one centered around Bologna, which I've long wanted to visit, and the other in Puglia.

I took lots of notes today!

Posted by
8163 posts

And Tammy, thank you for showing us how you create your fun photo books! I have three that I need to finish - nice to be inspired!

Posted by
801 posts

Great meeting! Both of the presentations have inspired me to make a return trip to Italy in the future.

Posted by
1127 posts

A belated thank you SO much to Catherine for hosting & to Tammy & Jean for their presentations; Does anyone else come away from these meetings with the feeling there's SO much more that can be done to prepare for, enjoy & chronicle travel??
Jean - Thanks for that description of packing, I'm working on it!!
Tammy - OK, I will download that photobook app, yet more fun projects! Thanks everyone.

Posted by
5094 posts

LOL, Sandancisco! I almost always come away inspired! And it is so interesting to “live” with someone else on their travel that may be completely unlike anything I have done.

Posted by
5685 posts

That's so true! It does often feel like we're travelling along. It was fun to revisit some big cities and remember how much I loved those places. And remind myself that I still need to visit others, such as Bologna, and all of Puglia!

When it's to a place I don't imagine I'll go, I enjoy the visit through their travels. Sometimes enough, like Central Mexico, that I end up booking a trip to go there after all!