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SF Bay Area meeting

May we ask: 1. When and where the next Bay area meeting is planed for?
2. Can you estimate an expected number who will be in attendence ?
We've watched with interest as the group has developed & a participation hang up is being + 250 miles from the area.

Anne & Andy, SLO

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10832 posts

The groups post meeting information for each location. I usually post about our meetings 7-10 days in advance. Some groups don't give as much notice. The Bay Area meetings are typically the 2nd Saturday of the month. I'm sure if you keep checking back you will see when the information is posted. It's hard to know exactly how many people will attend a meeting. Our Sacramento meetings are usually very well attended, but we are a long established group. Last month we had 21 people. A record! The Bay Area meetings began last summer. We have some people who attend both Bay Area meetings because they live there, then travel to Sacramento for our meetings. Some of us Sacramento folks have traveled to the Bay Area for their meetings.

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4422 posts

PNope, no - you may not ask. ;-)

I wanted to add a couple of things to what Andrea said. First of all, any time you're in the area for business or pleasure, you are always free to drop in at the meetings (Sacto, SF, or anywhere else)! We'd love to meet you. Also, if you're interested in gauging interest in an SLO-area group, start paying attention to the people who post from your area. Make a list, then send each of them a Private Message to see if there is any interest in meeting. There have been several people in your area that have posted over the years, but I don't know how many of them are active anymore. Speaking of that, we have people at our Sacramento meetings that may not have posted for months...or longer...but they still regularly come to our meetings. That's why we always have ours at the same time and the same location every month. So there's certainly no requirement that one be an active poster to attend meetings. In fact, some of our attendees have never posted on this forum! They heard about us from a friend or a travel partner and decided to drop by and see what we are about.

But come on - you really can't see yourself leaving home at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning to drive north? Then another 4-5 hours afterwards to drive home?

Just kidding :-)

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9436 posts

We had a wonderful couple join us for our SF Bay Area meeting this past Saturday that live in Santa Barbara. As Andrea said, we just started our group last summer but we've had between 3 and 15 people at our meetings. Last week we were 9. Every meeting has been really fun. Really nice people talking about our favorite subject...