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San Francisco East Bay Travel Group Meeting - Jan 14 and 26, 2022

We invite you to join our East Bay (San Francisco area) Travel Group meeting!
We welcome newcomers and travelers from around the globe to our online and in-person meetings.

WHEN: Saturday, January 14, 2022 @ 11am-1pm Pacific Time, online
WHERE: online I will send the meeting links via private messages during the week before each online meeting.


WHEN: Thursday, January 26, 2022 @ 1pm PT
WHERE in-person: the Veranda shopping center, outdoors with gas heaters

Please RSVP on this thread for one or both meetings

TOPICS for January 14
- Christmas Markets photos, CWsocial and TexasTravelmom
- first bite of the Travel Bug, Barbara N
- life as an expat living in Rome, ponygirl813

Please let me know in your RSVP if you have travels to share and a topic you'd like to discuss, for either the January meeting or a future meeting.

Future meetings (2nd Saturdays except as noted):
February 11, 2022 @ 11am PT, online
- photos with Diane in the Galapagos Islands and TexasTravelmom from Budapest

February topic will be "the trips we loved" month: (photos optional and always enjoyed)
- most importantly, did you meet anyone special on one of your trips?
- have you kept in touch with special people who you've met on your trips?
- is there a special moment from one of your trips that you just love?
- how do you reminisce about your best trips?
- how often do you revisit your souvenirs, photo books and digital memories?
- if diveloonie is available, we'll have a mini-class on how to turn those photo memories into photo books

March 11, 2022 @ 11am PT, online
- an expat in Rome with Ponygirl813

April 8, 2022 @ 11am PT, online
May 6, 2022 @ 11am PT, online (1st Saturday, due to my travels)

Posted by
2914 posts

Looking forward to these, at least the Saturday zoom :-)

I already have other stuff on my calendar for the Thursday, but if they stay on zoom there's some chance I could come to the Veranda...

Posted by
34573 posts

I'd love to come in person but will have to settle (settle?? ha!!) for the most glorious zoom meeting. Please.

Posted by
946 posts

I plan to be at both. At the zoom meeting, I can share a slide or two on how I got the travel bug (postponed from last time because I was sick).

Posted by
5649 posts

Excellent, I've added you to the schedule Barbara N.

Avirosemail, I hope your schedule works out!
Nigel, can't you just click your heels or wiggle your nose or something to show up in person?

Posted by
2176 posts

Please add me! And in February I can show a short slide show of one of my favorite trips. It is of the Galapagos if that is ok?

Posted by
67 posts

Hi CWsocial, could you please add me to the zoom recipient list for Saturdays? Looking forward to hearing about travel adventures and recommendations from this group!

Posted by
17603 posts

I will be a temporary resident in the Bay Area for the last 2 weeks in January, so I may be able to attend the Jan. 26 meeting, depending on where it is. In the meantime, may I join the Zoom meeting on the 14th? We don’t head south until the next day. Thanks.

Posted by
5649 posts

Welcome, Lola and Andrea, we'd love to have you join online and in-person, Andrea if you can make it.

For newcomers to the online meetings, there may be some setup involved, so I will send both of you messages with those instructions and the link.

For everyone else, I'll send the meeting links closer to the meeting date.

Posted by
5649 posts

Diane, yes please! The Galapagos Islands sounds love-ly!! I'm adding you to the February schedule.

Posted by
5649 posts

I've sent the meeting link to everyone who has replied, above.

There is plenty of room for anyone who would like to join!

Posted by
274 posts

Can’t make the meeting on the 14th but very interested in the 26th and future meetings.

Posted by
5649 posts

Patty, we'd love to have you at all the meetings! I'll send you a private message with more details for the in-person meeting on January 26th. I post an announcement for each online meeting and send messages with the link to those who would like to join. You are always welcome!

Posted by
5649 posts

There is still room for anyone to join, both the online and in-person meetings. Please RSVP on this thread and I will send you the meeting link (online) or specific meeting location (in-person.)

Posted by
2914 posts

Note that the current version of Zoom (so far this week) is


and update your app if needed. thanks, avi

Posted by
34573 posts

Note that the current version of Zoom (so far this week) is


and they have royally screwed it up. It still works but I hate it. Do I really need a column of app ads? really? And they have messed with the bottom of the screen too..... this too will pass??

.... stepping off soapbox....

Posted by
1326 posts

I'm planning to attend the zoom this Saturday.
Thanks, Catherine.

Posted by
5649 posts

SharYn, I've just sent the meeting link message. Glad you can make it!

Space still available....

Posted by
5649 posts

I will check this thread again 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time to see if anyone else would like to join.

See you online tomorrow!

Posted by
5649 posts

I've updated the meeting content for February. Looking forward to seeing you all online in about 90 minutes!

Posted by
5649 posts

There is some non-rainy weather as we get to the middle of January. Fingers crossed for the 26th!

Posted by
17603 posts

My apologies to the CW Social and all attendees for my abrupt departure. My husband suddenly needed my help with a project he is trying to finish before we start our road trip to California tomorrow—-my job was holding some cabinet doors in alignment and steady while he attached the hinges. It’s all done and I can get back to packing for the trip. No need to”pack light” as we are driving!

It was nice to see some faces and chat a bit. I like the format, with scheduled presenters and slides, more focused than open discussion of a suggested topic.

Posted by
2914 posts

This was indeed a great format today, and thoroughly enjoyable -- and I mean this as a compliment but I feel like we're setting the bar too high for a casual zoom get together, ha! The presentations were presentation-quality!

Posted by
3636 posts

Lola, I have participated in other zoom travel meetings and I like how Catherine moderates hers, she is a great hostess.

Ok questions for our ex-pat;
Do you speak Italian?
Why did you decide on Rome?
Are there other ex-pats you have met?
What was involved in getting visa/residency?
What has been your favorite part of living there?
I know you are moving back to USA, but how long were you originally thinking you would stay?
Ok, I might come back and add more.

Posted by
1561 posts

Ok, after today’s meeting I have to ask, is it Christmas yet? The pictures were so great they made me wish we could start the season again! Thanks to all the presenters for another great meeting and to our hosts, Avi and Catherine.

Posted by
5649 posts

Thank you to Lola, diveloonie and avirosemail for your nice comments. Thank you to all for making the meetings so fun and engaging!

Carol, I'm already trying to work out which Christmas Market I can visit next year. There's one in Denver that I've never been to!

Avirosemail, thank you for letting us get carried away sometimes :-)

I've updated the March meeting for ponygirl813 to share stories of life as an expat in Rome!

Next month, did you meet anyone special on one of your trips? That might be a romance, or maybe someone who made you smile while you were traveling? Bring a photo and share a story!

Posted by
946 posts

So sorry I had to leave early today. I agree that Catherine is a great leader for our group! I appreciated your patience as I sorted out my zoom settings.

Posted by
34573 posts

another really good and helpful meeting - we had fun too

Posted by
333 posts

Thanks to all the presenters, Catherine and Avi, for this meeting. Lola, I hope that you can join us for some of our future virtual meetings.

My initial question for ponygirl813’s talk is I’m wondering what surprised you most about living in Rome. I’m sure that I’ll think of more questions and will post those later. This is such an interesting topic.

Posted by
5649 posts

Thank you, Barbara N, I'm glad you and Avi were able to get it sorted out so that we could hear about your National Parks travels.

I can hardly believe there is sun coming in the forecast, including for the 26th when we meet in-person!

Posted by
192 posts

i am local and would love to come to the January 26th meeting at the Veranda.

I have flights booked for the summer (into Frankfurt and out of Amsterdam) but no itinerary so would love to get ideas.

-Anne F.

Posted by
5649 posts

annemargaret, welcome and I'm so happy you'll be joining us! I've just sent you a private message with a bit more detail of how to find us at the Veranda.

We'd love to hear what you have in mind for your upcoming trip and share ideas. I hope we can also hear stories about your solo trip to Rome last spring!

Posted by
5649 posts

The forecast for Thursday is Sunny and 61 degrees, with 0% chance of precipitation!

If you haven't already, please let me know if you'll be there so that I know how many places to get!

Posted by
5649 posts

The forecast tomorrow is 63F and sunny!

I'll get there a bit early to get a table and will have at least one Rick Steves book to help newcomers find us. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Posted by
2914 posts

I'll be there in spirit; too much on my calendar to get away.

Please consider having a malted milkshake from Super Duper for dessert on my behalf. Ha.

Posted by
5649 posts

Drat, we will miss you! I need to try Super Duper Burger, but I'm afraid I'm not going to let you off that easy. Hopefully next time!

Posted by
5649 posts

Barbara N, so glad you can make it!
annemargaret, please call or text me if you have any difficulty finding us. Worst case, I'll also check this thread until you've arrived.

Posted by
5649 posts

It was fun to get together in-person yesterday! And lovely to meet Patty and annemargaret. Let's do it again. I'll publish the online meeting announcement next week.

Until then, please mark your calendars for an in-person on Feb 21. Carol will be traveling, so we will be a smaller group and could meet at Geppetto's at 11:30. Does that work for people?

Alternatively, I can meet at The Veranda (where we met yesterday) on Feb 22.

For those who drove home yesterday, was traffic bad? is it preferable to start the meetings earlier?

Posted by
946 posts

Thanks so much for keeping us organized! I enjoyed our meeting. I can do either Feb 21 or Feb 22, with a slight preference for Feb 21. Traffic was not a problem for me, although I left a bit early. That said, I would prefer an earlier start time if possible.