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San Francisco East Bay Travel Group Meeting - Dec 3, 2022

We invite you to join our East Bay (San Francisco area) Travel Group meeting!
We welcome newcomers and travelers from around the globe to our online meetings.

Saturday, December 3, 2022 @ 11am-1pm Pacific Time (Online)

WHERE: online; please RSVP on this thread
I will send the meeting links via private messages during the week before each meeting.

- first travel photos with Carol and Tony and Barbara N and diveloonie
- tales and photos of Portugal with Diane (fingers crossed) and CWsocial (I'll try to pull together a few) and Andrea
- Christmas Markets trip, what I'm planning (yikes, the packing is interesting for this one!)
- Christmas Markets, what Christmas Markets have you been to, whether in the US or Europe?
- What are your 2023 travel plans?

Please let me know in your RSVP if you have travels to share and a topic you'd like to discuss.

Future meetings (2nd Saturdays except as noted):
December 15, 2022 @ 1pm PT, in-person (weather permitting) La Veranda
- I'll do my best to find tables in the sun! (Shouldn't be difficult there, we'll just leave the umbrellas down.)
- I'll be back from the Christmas Markets (only just) with stories to share!

January 14, 2022 @ 11am PT, online
- Christmas Markets photos, CWsocial
- where in the world has TexasTravelMom been since we last caught up with her?

January 26, 2022 @ 1pm PT, in-person (location TBD)
February 11, 2022 @ 11am PT, online
March 11, 2022 @ 11am PT, online

Posted by
34560 posts

Oh wow! what a programme!!! Include me in please, Miss. Very important.

I'll look like something a not very picky cat brought in by that time - I have an Annual General Meeting at 9.30 in the morning in London at which I have questions booked (can't travel fast enough so I will be joining remotely), then at 1.30 I have another AGM at which I am Secretary for 3 hours, then catch my breath and at 7pm my time there is this wonderful meeting.

I will be there as best as I can - just prod me in the ribs if I fall asleep.

I know which one I'm most looking forward to. (hint, neither the first nor the second, as Holmes said)

Posted by
5043 posts

I hate to miss (love this group!) but I really will be on a plane…..

But I am good for Jan 14 and you take your pick of Budapest (Carol covered Poland well), southern England, or my Christmas trip (Heidelberg, Strasbourg & Colmar, & Paris). Or none of the above!

Posted by
5644 posts

Nigel, I am honored that you will try to fit us into that sort of a day, and impressed that you'll actually pull it off! And do you mean to say that you'll be telling us about your Christmas Market travels? Oh, I hope so!!

TexasTravelmom, I think we should hear about your fabulous Christmas Market trip, while we're still in the winter season. And so I can get ideas for next year :-) Don't think yourself off the hook for Budapest or England, though. There's February and March and ...

Andrea, so glad you can make it and share some of your own Portugal pics!!

Posted by
1561 posts

Thanks, TTM! We plan to be there. We can share our first travel photo if there's time, also 2023 plans.

Posted by
5644 posts

Oh yes please, Carol, I've added your first travel photo to the agenda!

Posted by
5644 posts

I just watched it, thanks avirosemail! I sure hope the rain stops!

Posted by
945 posts

I plan to be there. Last time we said I’d have a slide or two on how I caught the travel bug, but I can save that for later given the full program.

Posted by
5644 posts

Welcome to Andrea and phannah00, we're so glad you'll be joining us! Please check your private messages for the instructions to attend the meeting.

Barbara N, we definitely want to see your "first travel" photos! In fact, I'm going to move that to be the first agenda item.

I've sent the meeting link via private message to everyone who has replied, above.

Posted by
1326 posts

I should be able to make this one on Dec 3rd.
(fingers crossed!)
And possibly the 15th, depending on work, or lack thereof!

Posted by
5644 posts

diveloonie, we'd love to see your "first travels" photo, from whatever age!

diveloonie and SharYn, I've sent the link for Saturday to each of you via private message. Fingers crossed, SharYn!

Posted by
5644 posts

Meeting link just sent, bugslife, glad you can make it!

Posted by
640 posts

Please add me, as I'm a fan of your posts and would love to join in as a lurker from afar.
Thanks so much!

Posted by
5644 posts

Diane and ponygirl18, I've sent the link to both of you via private message.

Diane - we'll be crossing fingers and toes that everything works for you to share your pictures. And even if not, we'll swap Portugal stories!

ponygirl18 (Cynthia) - aw thank you :-) I'm so happy that you'll be joining us on Saturday! I hope you'll come with stories of your recent travels, which I hope included your Best of Turkey tour!! Please see an important note in your message about meeting setup, required before you click on the meeting link on Saturday.

Posted by
1072 posts

We're off to Portugal in 2023 so would love to attend this - even though it will be the middle of the night (I think) in Australia. Please send me the link.

Posted by
5644 posts

AussieNomad, welcome! I've just sent you the meeting link in a private message, along with instructions before you click the link. It will be the wee hours of Dec 4th for you, so we don't mind if you're still wearing your bunny slippers!

Posted by
5644 posts

There is still plenty of space for anyone (anywhere) who would like to join.

I will check this thread until 10:30am (PT) tomorrow morning for any last minute requests to join. For those attending for the first time, please make sure to read the note I sent along with the meeting link, which may require some setup. I'll log into the meeting about 10:45am (PT) tomorrow so that you can check your own connections.

Posted by
101 posts

May we have a link to join your Saturday meeting--Anne & Andy San Luis Obispo

Posted by
5644 posts

Absolutely, Andy!

I've just sent you the meeting link and instructions for setup prior to the meeting. We look forward to meeting you and Anne online!

Posted by
4155 posts

We find ourselves available and would love to hear about past and future travel. Please send us a link.

Posted by
5644 posts

Excellent, Mona! I've just sent you the link via private message.

Posted by
5644 posts

My Zoom client (on a Windows laptop) had updates waiting this morning. You may want to allow an extra minute or two in case yours does as well.

See everyone online in just under 2 hours!

Posted by
5644 posts

I am in the "waiting room" - it says "Please wait for the host to start this meeting." avirosemail may have changed the settings - usually I can get in to start the meeting by now.

Posted by
5644 posts

Thank you everyone, for a great meeting today! Many thanks to avirosemail for generously hosting our time.

I love the ideas for future meetings:

  • expat in Rome
  • turning our digital photos into printed books

I'm so glad those of you who are new to this group were able to join us today. I hope you will come back and share stories of your travels, past and future!

Posted by
2912 posts

This was another whirlwind of great sharing and stories and photos -yay!

I hope CWsocial comes to the in-person meeting later this month not just with her new Xmas market photos but also more on Portugal and San Francisco...

Posted by
1561 posts

Another thanks for a great meeting. Great pictures, thanks to Diane, CWsocial, and Nigel. And so many interesting stories and tips.
Thanks to Avi and CWsocial for hosting and organizing!

Posted by
5644 posts

phannah00, sorry that we missed you today. Please come back any time!

Posted by
1677 posts

Thanks Catherine, that was was very well done. I enjoyed it!

Posted by
3630 posts

Thanks for the stories and photos today and Avi and Catherine especially for hosting. I thought of another topic for a future meeting. Home exchanges. I know Mona has done many and there was a recent thread on the RS forum about it.

Posted by
331 posts

Thanks to Diane, CWSocial, Nigel and others who shared their travel photos and those who shared their stories and tips. It was great to have a few new people join us this time.

Posted by
5644 posts

I found the answer: the Grand Panorama of Lisbon records the city before the 1755 earthquake. Cool!

Posted by
34560 posts

that was such a great meeting. Sorry i had to leave before the end but it was getting late here, after a long long day.

Posted by
5644 posts

Nigel, I'm impressed you joined us, what with your very busy day!

Posted by
5644 posts

For those who might attend the in-person meeting, does 1pm on the 16th work rather than the 15th? It helps some schedules so please let me know if you can make it and whether the 16th works, or the 15th as originally posted.

Posted by
1561 posts

16th at 1pm is ok with us. Still Veranda, right?

Posted by
5644 posts

Yes, we would still meet at the Veranda.

I'll wait a bit longer before making the decision. But the 16th is a strong possibility.

Posted by
945 posts

Either date will work for me as long as I am fully recovered by then from the pneumonia that has developed after my cold.

Posted by
5644 posts

Oh dear, that doesn't sound fun.

We will go with the 16th and keep our fingers crossed that you'll be able to make it! And weather permitting.

Posted by
2912 posts

The 16th is better for me but I also look at the likely weather/temperatures and don't see a lot of incentive to sitting outside! Also, I'll need a lift from or to the BART stop.

Posted by
5644 posts

I can pick you up from Concord Bart.

We'll check the weather again near the date and decide.

Posted by
1326 posts

Friday the 16th won't work for me as I agreed to work that day.
But if it works for everyone else, go ahead and change it and I'll catch you all the next time.

Posted by
5644 posts

We will stick with the 15th, since that's what I originally published and people put on their calendars.

Having said that, the forecast tomorrow is for 55F. Do people want to sit outside? inside? reschedule?

Posted by
945 posts

I'm finally starting to get better, but I am anxious about getting sick again before I'm fully recovered and before the holidays, so I'm afraid I will have to miss meeting this week.

I was really looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing about the Christmas markets. If you do meet, enjoy!

Posted by
1561 posts

I think there are outdoor heaters. Found the info at the ice rink information. We're ok for tomorrow at 1pm but ok if the vote is to cancel.

Posted by
5644 posts

OK, well, Farrah and I will be there. 55 degrees is positively balmy compared to where I've spent the last week. I'm hoping a coffee and pastry from the French cafe will extend that Europe in December feeling!

Posted by
1326 posts

I’m sorry but when I saw that the meeting had been moved to Friday I agreed to work on Thursday as well.
So I’m not available either day…
Hopefully the next in person get together will be firmed up at the beginning of the process.
I’ll look forward to seeing you all next time!

Posted by
1561 posts

Ok, we'll be there tomorrow before 1pm. Scarfs will be the order of the day.

Posted by
5644 posts

SharYn, so sorry about that. I was trying to accommodate one schedule, without realizing that I would be messing up yours. Yes, agreed. Best to just stick with the original plan and move forward. Also best not to try to change the schedule while I'm traveling - clearly, that didn't work!

Carol - I will see you tomorrow, with scarf and hat and gloves!

Posted by
1326 posts

I’m sorry to miss seeing you all, but these things happen; no hard feelings but just happy anticipation for the next one.
Have fun!