As is my habit, I went on to the HELPLINE, nee "Forum" to double check that all was well with February for meeting at Panera as usual, only there was no sign of Sacramento. I was beginning to think that perhaps when I was in Paris back in November I had actually been hauled off in a yellow taxi at midnight and that Gertrude Stein was showing me that there is no Sacramento there. Alas, a little surfing through the various portals, or pigeon holes, of the new punch card form, I mean Forum, and I found Travel Group meetings. Here I thought this was a sight for people interested in European travel and it turns out to be for beach bums keeping the surfing going. C'est la vie, the new heading for meetings is a good idea, but burying it in "Tip and Trips" is not a natural place to look. Destinations Q & A makes sense, Tips and Trips makes sense if that is what is there (Gertrude again?), and Hotel and Restaurant reviews, yea duh, I wonder what you would find in that section. The solution is to have a section for Discussions and Opinions, or Gabbing and Gathering, or something else to indicate it is where travel junkies can go for discourse and debate.
I will see all of you in the morning, bring your opinions for my trip this summer.