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Sacramento Travel Meeting- Saturday 7/15

It's that time again to meet with fellow travelers to talk about --- travel!

As always, we meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

Location - Panera Bread, 3571 North Freeway Blvd, Sacramento. This is off I-80, using the Truxel Rd. exit.

Everyone who wants to discuss their upcoming trips, reminisce about past trips, or just hang out and talk about travel is welcome.

Who's planning to be there? Everyone is welcome, but it's good to let us know. It gives us an idea of how many people we need to have seating for.

Posted by
5697 posts

We will be there! With random pictures from Italy.
Lauri and Ed

Posted by
4172 posts

We are planning to be there! Just back from Ireland and "enjoying" the inland heat here. I hear we missed some really special temperatures.

Posted by
607 posts

I will once again be out of town, this time to Lake Tahoe over that weekend. So I can't report back to everyone on my exciting mid-west trip, and our epic 16 hour travel time from Branson Mo to back home. Should be able to make August however.

Posted by
4422 posts

Unfortunately, I can't make the July meeting...nor the August meeting :-(

We're making yet another drive to Texas. Three weeks ago, my mother-in-law somewhat unexpectedly put her house on the market and it sold within 10 days! She has to be out by the 28th, so we're making a mad dash to collect any mementos, etc., as she is also downsizing her belongings. In August, we'll be at the airport on our way to Hawaii for our anniversary instead of at the meeting.

I don't know how you'll get by without my big mouth me. I understand your first instinct may be to simply cancel the meetings, but I insist you carry on without me. You'll be fine.

I'm very sorry I'm going to miss any "random pictures of Italy" :-( and I wanted to hear about Mona's Ireland trip. Bummer.

I hope everyone has a great meeting, but bring a sweater - Panera's air conditioning has been known to work extremely well in the summer months...

Posted by
2030 posts

Sharyn, Lauri & Ed, and I will be there! Looking forward to it.
(sorry to miss you Eileen)

Posted by
5697 posts

Eileen, we will be talking... err, thinking about you. See you in September.

Posted by
4422 posts

Sorry I'll miss you, too, BG - I wanted to hear all about your trip!

Lauri, since I won't be there, you only need to bring 1/2 as many brownies this month ;-)

Remember - bring your sweaters!

Posted by
10836 posts

I'm sorry you can't make it Eileen. You're going to be missing out. ;-) Please leave some wine in Texas for my September visit there. You know I will need it.

I'm so happy you Bay Area peeps are joining us. I want to hear all about your trips!

Posted by
53 posts

I will be there. I am stopping off in Berlin for a couple of days in Sept, so I'd like to hear about your favorite spots. I've been a couple of times, but about 20 yrs ago.

Posted by
4422 posts

Can't promise that, Andrea...but we will be bringing the first couple of bottles from home, so there's two we won't be buying IN Texas.

Posted by
9436 posts

Eileen meant cases... two cases to get her there... 😂

Posted by
10836 posts

iPod you can make it Susan! Warren, see you Saturday!

Posted by
1964 posts

We'll be there! Looking forward to photos and trip reports!

Sorry we'll miss you Eileen, but have fun in Texas :-)

Posted by
425 posts

July should be the last third-Sat we miss for awhile, as we're flying back from Hawaii (Kauai) this weekend. Look forward to catching up with everyone next month, 'cept for Eileen who'll then be en route to Hawaii. We'll leave a Mai Tai or twelve for youz on the lanai. :) Hope to see Ed & Lauri's Italy photos at the Aug Meeting, if they wouldn't mind bringing them a second time (?).

Safe travels to/from Texas, Eileen... in my experience the 'from' portion is a more enjoyable ride, having the land of tumbleweeds and pick-em-up trucks in the rear-view mirror. :)

Posted by
5697 posts

Matt, you'll have to wait till September -- in August we will be on our way to Oregon for the solar eclipse in Salem. But maybe we will get our photos organized enough to have at least deleted the blurry/thumb covered ones. Would love to see Kauai pix -- used to go there every Christmas.

Posted by
1328 posts

Just bumping this up to the top ...
It's a lively and well-traveled group!

Posted by
9344 posts

Pretty sure you want advance notice - Will be in Sacramento from 17-30 Nov.
Plan accordingly. Please. :-)

Posted by
10836 posts

Jo, you ruined the surprise! But that's okay, I'm just excited that you're coming!!!