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Sacramento Travel Meeting- Sat. 1/21 @ 10:00

It's that time again to meet with fellow travelers to talk about --- travel!!

As always, we meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

Location - Panera Bread, 3571 North Freeway Blvd, Sacramento. This is off I-80, using the Truxel Rd. exit.
Everyone who wants to discuss their upcoming trips, reminisce about past trips, or just hang out and talk about travel is welcome.

Who's planning to be there? Everyone is welcome, but it's good to let us know. It gives us an idea of how many people we need to have seating for.

Posted by
1964 posts

Very sorry to miss it! Mr. Monte will be sailing in Monterey and I will be up in the mountains in all that deep snow. But, if it were not for that......we wouldn't miss it!

Posted by
4422 posts

I think that as long as you two bring all of us presents that we can excuse your absences.

Posted by
4422 posts

Walt and Monica, I look forward to seeing you again! Hopefully we'll get to talk this time ;-)

Posted by
5697 posts

See you all on the 21st -- we now have a car with functioning wipers! And air conditioning for the summer !!
Plans in process:

March - Vienna, Budapest, Berlin, Munich
May - Italy Venice to Rome
August - solar eclipse in/near Salem, OR

Lauri and Ed

Posted by
425 posts

Unable to make next Saturday, we'll be in the East Bay at family function. February anyone?

Laurie - if you and Ed need anyone to carry your bags between Venice and Rome, you know where to find me. :)

Posted by
10836 posts

There is a possibility that I won't be there. I should know more later in the week. If I don't go, can I count on someone else to take care of the tables? Larry does it when he arrives early but he never posts when he's going to attend, so I don't want to count on that.

Posted by
348 posts

I can't make it either. David, you'll have to hold down the fort!

Posted by
4422 posts

I suppose I could manage getting there early, too.

Kitty - we'll need a signed excuse letter from you next month. You better have a very good reason to miss the meeting...

Posted by
1328 posts

I have to miss the Sacramento meeting this month.
I should be free for February
Eileen, I'll return your bag then.
(I was close to being able to use an Appenzell bag for my upcoming trip but I'll be lugging along a cpap machine!)

Posted by
4 posts

We found we have to be in Concord at same time today. Have to put off until Feb meeting. See you then.
Walt & Monica

Posted by
607 posts

I won't be able to make it this month, will be with my mom for the weekend. See you guys next month. Rob

Posted by
348 posts

David, looks like you'll only need a card table this time!

Eileen, Daphne has already written my
...and thanks for blowing my cover.🤓

Posted by
10836 posts

I definitely won't be able to make it this month. Thanks for the offer to get there early David. I won't be surprised if Larry beats you to it, but there's no way to be sure that he's coming.

Posted by
5697 posts

And like rats deserting the ship ... just got off the phone with our kids who need to have a face-to-face with Dad, so we will be in San Bruno on Saturday. Eileen and David (and Larry ?) hope you don't make draconian new rules while you have a super-majority. See everyone in February, and then April (if, as they say, the good Lord's willin' and the creeks don't rise.)
Lauri and Ed

Posted by
53 posts

I will be there. I got one of those $69 WOW Air flights to Europe.

Posted by
283 posts

I will be there. Do we need to pull tables together? It appears we only need the one larger table.

Posted by
10836 posts

Kevin, I think at least one table should be added. Maybe two. You can always put them back if they aren't needed. Not everyone announces here that they plan to attend. Jim will be there. It's possible I may join you early afternoon. I'm going to the Women's March and we are supposed to reach the Capitol Building at noon. Depending on the weather, I may or may not stay for the speakers.

Posted by
1328 posts

You're a good group! And I bet some of you are still there ...