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Sacramento Travel Group Meeting - Saturday May 19

It's that time again to meet with fellow travelers to talk about --- travel!

As always, we meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

Location - Panera Bread, 3571 North Freeway Blvd, Sacramento. This is off I-80, using the Truxel Rd. exit.

Everyone who wants to discuss their upcoming trips, reminisce about past trips, or just hang out and talk about travel is welcome.

Who's planning to be there? Everyone is welcome, but it's good to let us know. It gives us an idea of how many people we need to have seating for.

If it's your first time, look for the Rick Steves books on the table.

Posted by
4422 posts

Okay - The Wedding begins at 4:00 am in our time zone, but coverage online and on TV begins at 1:00 am...soooooo...we can either meet at Andrea's house around 3:00 am at the latest, or just get there Friday night and stay up! I'll bring lots of lemon cupcakes (in honor of the supposed lemon wedding cake) and plenty of 'fascinator makings' - we can do some crafting while we drink tea (or ale or cider) and watch The Beautiful People as they arrive for the ceremony.

Andrea, just let us know what else we need to bring ;-)

Posted by
9436 posts

Amgen Tour of California Final Stage and Finish in Sac, Royal Wedding and Sac Group meeting... so much happening, so many choices!

Posted by
4422 posts

Nigel, please poke around a bit and see if you can find any No-Doz (or the equivalent) with the couple's faces printed on them...or at least the Union Jack. I'd settle for their wedding date.

Susan, Folsom is hosting the pentultimate stage on Fri the 25th, but I (stupidly) made a physical therapy appt for race time; I think I need to talk to my therapist...

Andrea must be busily making up the guest beds, cleaning her tiara...

Posted by
4173 posts

And the Amgen Tour of California comes within 1 long block of our home 2x on the 19th. We're thinking we can catch one lap and still be at the 10 AM meeting, but maybe a bit late or we could meet here... A little Earl Gray, scones and bike racing???

Posted by
9436 posts

Oh now that’s a great idea Mona... cuz as of now I’ll be at the Tour!... 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️

Eileen, you definitely need to change that appt! 😂

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4173 posts

I just checked and the race doesn't start until 10:15 so if we catch the first lap near our street we'll definitely be late to the meeting, unless...

Posted by
10838 posts

Mona, it's so sweet of you to offer to host a watch party! :-) Eileen loves to offer up my house. But seriously, I'm going to DVR the wedding festivities and Jim will be working on the 19th, so after the meeting we could definitely watch it at my house without having to deal with any eye rolling from him. He won't be home until Monday, in case it runs long...

Posted by
10838 posts

Oops...I just remembered I have to go to my niece’s dance performance that Saturday evening. Bad timing. I was going to go on Friday evening, but it turns out I’ll be driving home from L.A. that day.

Posted by
1328 posts

You all are either too much fun OR no fun at all ... I haven’t decided yet ...
And I don’t know yet if I am coming but I’ll be watching the meeting developments!

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10838 posts

SharYn, let me know when you've figured it out. ;-) I hope we will see you at the meeting.

Posted by
4422 posts

Sure, Andrea...

Okay - my new plan.

Party At Mona's!!! Attire choice is optional - either Royal Wedding- or Pro Cyclist-themed. In addition to the cupcakes, I'll also bring a case of PowerGel and a few extra wheels in case of flats.

Mona will be delighted, I'm sure ;-)

Posted by
4422 posts

Oh, and Susan - I changed my appt time for the Amgen :-D

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4173 posts

We are still up for a 10 AM combo DVR'd wedding/Amgen live watch at our house if you can stand to not meet at beloved and familiar Panera. Otherwise, we'll be a little bit late to the Panera meeting after we watch the Amgen riders pass through our neighborhood for the 1st of their 2 x in the neighborhood. Keep us posted but I'm washing out the teacups and getting the Gatorade bottles ready...

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10838 posts

Mona, that is so tempting. We've never cancelled a meeting a Panera. Hmmm...maybe someone else can go there and set things up?


The Wedding will be on my DVR. If anyone is interested in coming over on Sunday I have no obligations all day. Thoughts?

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4173 posts

I know, it's the NEVER cancelling a Panera meeting and the thought that someone may show up and no one is there that makes me not want to rock the boat.

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5697 posts

Sorry we'll be missing the fun in Sacramento -- except we will be (with luck) taking the train from Avignon to Paris that day (yes, it's a strike day)
Lauri and Ed
UPDATE : got an email from SNCF that our train WILL be running as scheduled. Whew!

Posted by
10838 posts

Mona, as exciting as it would be to see the Amgen pass by your place I think I'll have to go to Panera. You'll know where to find us. ;-)

Posted by
15292 posts

Hi gang!! Currently in London and trying to recruit more folks for your meet-up! Chatting with some folks from Sacramento at breakfast and gave them info on how to find the meeting announcement on the forum. They’ll still be traveling this month but maybe They will turn up in June.

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10838 posts

Thanks Pam. More people! Everyone is welcome. We may need to consider a larger meeting place at some point. There must be a limit to how many tables we can push together at Panera. :-)

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4173 posts

We'll be at Panera too although maybe a few minutes late. I kind of feel trapped by bike races that day. The Tour of California passes to our north, then east, that morning while the Davis Double Century heads out of Davis to our south. That's a lot of road closures!

Posted by
607 posts

I should be there, with the latest exciting news about our upcoming east coast trip.

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10838 posts

See everyone soon. I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone's recent travels and and upcoming trips.

Posted by
4173 posts

A few of you in the Sacramento travel group have expressed an interested in doing a home exchange. We've received an inquiry for this summer for a 3 week exchange in Carcassonne that we have to say no to. They want to exchange in Sacramento. Anyone interested? If so, PM us.