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Portland/Vancouver area travel meeting Jan. 24th @ 1 pm

Sorry I haven't been around for a while! I've been SO SO busy since I got back from Italy, and have had cold after cold since then as well.

So is anyone interested in resuming the travel meetings? If so, I'm thinking Saturday January 17. This should give us plenty of time to drum up a bit of interest.

Would morning or afternoons be best for people?

EDIT : please note date and time... I hope to see you all there!

Posted by
7201 posts

Angela, where do you guys meet? If it's not too out of the way, I would love to drive up once a month to get together with others to share and glean some good travel info and tips. Portland is about an hour and 1/2 drive for me but I like to drive and there's always things I can do around the city, so I would probably come, but only if it's on Saturday, preferably am (but not too early).

There seem to be many more posters from this area so it would be fun to get a group together and if anyone from the mid-valley area would like to come but doesn't want to drive that far, we could carpool.

Posted by
32424 posts


Isn't that the same day that the big tour event takes place at ETBD? Some of your "regulars" may be attending that.

Posted by
663 posts

Nancy - We've been meeting at the Panera Bakery in Jantzen Beach, so its kinda between Oregon and Washington.

Ken - The 17th is the ONLY Saturday next month I have available. I'll be in India at the end of the month.

Posted by
32424 posts

Oh well, I guess the meeting has to be on the 17th then.

Posted by
1068 posts

I would be interested. I seem to remember a problem with the address of the bakery, but otherwise I will do my best to be there. Right now don't care about morning or afternoons.....

Posted by
7201 posts

Thanks Angela, I know where Jantzen Beach is, I stayed at the Red Lion there twice. I think I even know where the Panera Bread is.

Posted by
635 posts

Count us in!

Nancy, if you haven't been to Jantzen Beach for a couple of years, everything is changed around. Even the aerial photos on Google Maps haven't caught up with it yet. Panera Bread is west of I-5, across the parking lot to the south of the new Super Target. If you have a current GPS database, the address is 1400 North Tomahawk Island Drive, Portland, OR.

Hope to see you there.

Posted by
7201 posts

Thanks for the heads up Jeff. When we were there last (I think it was 2010) we went to Target (not sure if it was the new super Target or not) and we ate at BJ's. Are those places still where they were? Or have they moved? If the're still where they were then, I can find the Panera.

Posted by
635 posts

BJ's, McD's, et al., are still where they always were, in the narrow strip between N. Center Drive and I-5. Panera is in the shopping center area across N. Center Drive, where everything was bulldozed to bare ground and rebuilt in a new arrangement. The new Target is a few hundred feet further north than the old one, about where Barnes & Noble used to be.

Posted by
682 posts

Angela, we'd enjoy getting together again, but we're going up to Edmunds for the reunion activities. Will try again another month.

Posted by
635 posts

Angela, are we still on for next Saturday? Hope to see everyone then.

Posted by
7201 posts

If weather is good, ie: roads are dry, I might drive up. If anyone else in the central Willamette valley wants to make the trek I'd be willing to carpool. It would be fun to meet some new traveling friends.

Posted by
1068 posts

Is there a time for this group? I know morning was discussed, but unless I missed it (and I am capable of doing that) I didn't see a time.

Posted by
663 posts

It turns out I wont be going to India after all, so I could change the date to the next Saturday if more people think they could make it...? Or shall we keep it on the 17th? Say 1 pm?

Posted by
635 posts

Either the 17th or the 24th works for us. 1 pm is fine.

Posted by
1068 posts

May or may not be able to make it on the 24th. If not, have a great time.

Posted by
7201 posts

Could we get a 'for sure' date? Hard to make plans when it's up in the air.

Posted by
635 posts

Unless advised to the contrary, I plan to be at Panera Bread in the Jantzen Beach center tomorrow, Saturday January 17, at 1 pm.

Posted by
663 posts

Yikes, sorry! I put in the topic Jan. 24th and edited my initial post to state that I added the date. I thought that would be enough, but I'm obviously wrong...

Posted by
635 posts

No worries, Angela; I probably wasn't observant enough. Consider me "advised to the contrary," so we'll not be there tomorrow (17th). We'll look forward to seeing everybody and sharing travel adventures on the 24th.

  • jeff
Posted by
111 posts

A RS friend in Moscow, ID just alerted me to this group. I didn't know it existed! I hope we can come next Saturday (1/24) at 1 pm. We definitely know where Panera Bread is. (BTW, there's a new Panera Bread location in Hazel Dell now.)
Kay and Bob

Posted by
1058 posts

Happy to see notice of the upcoming meeting. We will be there on Saturday 1/24. Planning a month-long trip to Italy for fall 2015. Although it's by far not our first, we do have some questions.

Posted by
682 posts

We're always looking for travelers to chat with! We'll be there at 1 p.m. on the 24th.

Posted by
7201 posts

So far it looks like good driving weather (I hate driving in the rain) so I'm planning to come. Will probably drag my step-daughter along with me. Glad that it sounds like quite a few people are going to be there, I'm looking forward to meeting you all.

Posted by
707 posts

We also are planning to be there. Looking for hints/tips on Morocco!

Posted by
111 posts

We're headed to Scotland, London and York in the fall. We will appreciate any tips for places to stay, especially in York and Edinburgh. See you all on Saturday at 1:00 at Panera, Jantzen Beach.

Posted by
1068 posts

Nice group. I enjoyed meeting you and hope we can do it again!

Posted by
635 posts

What a great meeting yesterday! We enjoyed meeting so many wonderful fellow travelers. We counted 15 attendees.

We'll work on arranging another meeting in about 6 to 8 weeks, likely in the Pearl District of Portland, where we can have a more private setting.


  • jeff & cheryl
Posted by
7201 posts

Hi all. I really enjoyed meeting you yesterday and hope I'll be able to attend future meetings. It's a bit of a drive but not so far that I would let that stop me from coming. My step-daughter who came with me really enjoyed it too - she loves travel and has done a lot of it, but not too much in Europe. She said the enthusiasm for travel was very apparent with the group.

Posted by
682 posts

We really enjoyed the meeting yesterday are are hoping it becomes a regular event. Angela, thanks for your perseverance - it took a while, but you've gathered together a great group!