Update 6.10.17 4pm PDT
Let's plan to meet on Saturday, June 17 at 10:00am at the Tualatin Panera, 7149 SW Nyberg.
See you soon. I'll bring my book with my Spain photos.
HA HA HA....just kidding. (I don't have a book prepared yet.) I will bring my laptop with the photos and set it on slide show. in case anyone is interested.
TTFN Becky
Hello Oregon,
Is anyone up for a *meeting in June? We are on a 'third-Saturday" schedule: June 17 which is the day before Father's Day.
I pose these two questions:
do you want to meet on Saturday June 17 or does Saturday, June 24th work better?
Many folks are from the Portland metro area. Do you want to meet at the Tualatin Panera? 7149 SW Nyberg St 97062.
Or do you wnt to meet at the Woodburn Panera?
Either way, a 10am start seems to work best for us and the restaurant.
If you intend to attend, please respond on this thread.
Either date works for me. Tualatin is more convenient for me, but if we have folks coming from Corvallis or farther, I'm willing to drive.