Due to the impending storm , we will postpone until June !!
What, a little rain is a problem?
Well , the forecast here in NYC is for a Nor'easter with a predicted 3 inches of rain . Considering some of our members need to use public transportation to midtown ( which can be compromised - you know , flooding in the metro ) at their request , it was the prudent thing to do . On the other hand , if you are planning to attend , I'll be happy to meet you at Panera's on Fifth Avenue .
Hi Steven,
I will be in NYC for the weekend of Dec. 16 - 18, arriving on Saturday morning. We usually stay near or in the theatre district so I could fairly easily get to your meeting I think.
My question is - do you have a set Saturday when you meet?
Judy B
Judy , Nice to hear from you ! Usually we aim for the second Saturday of the month , but nothing is carved in stone . I'll be looking ahead into the coming months and I'm sure we can work something out . Are you only in town two days ?