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Moscow Travel Meeting!

It’s almost time for the February Moscow Travel Meeting for those who love to dream, plan and just plain talk non-stop about travel!

Our meeting this month will be Saturday, 19 February (not today) from 10:30-12:30 at One World Café, 533 South Main Street in Moscow, Idaho. (Our meetings used to be until 1:00 pm but the Café has had to start charging for using a meeting room longer than 2 hours.)
Also in appreciation to One World for letting us use their large back room with windows, please purchase something to drink. That of course means having to take your mask off in between sips or bites but please be considerate in these challenging times.

So far in our group I have heard of trips planned for Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and France for 2022 including of course some Rick Steves Tours. Anyone going to Italy?
Now that some of us realize that it is not all that challenging to travel during a pandemic (especially with Rick to guide us) some of us are ready to pack our bags!

Please let us know if you’ll be able to attend so that enough chairs will be provided!

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2092 posts

Well I've had replies to the emails I sent but not one post.

Anyone? It's lonely out here in the wilderness of Idaho!

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14767 posts

Oooops! Sorry I missed it and didn't post! Yes, I'll be there!

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14767 posts

Just a bumpety bump in case anyone is visiting Moscow or Pullman this weekend and wants to drop in to chat about travel!

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2092 posts

I know you would, CaliMom! And we'd love to have you come up here! It's a long drive though. It takes us 2 days (with kids) or 17 hours straight just from Sacramento. Guess we'll just have to meet up in France some time!