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Moscow Travel Meeting - 17 November, 2018

The third Saturday of the month is almost here! The Moscow (Idaho) Travel Group will be meeting as usual on the third Saturday of the month, 17 November at 10:30 at One World Cafe, 533 South Main Street, Moscow. We meet in the "back room" where you'll see a map of the world and many Rick Steves guide books and maps.

So if you like to talk travel--which is highly likely since you're on Rick's site--join us to hear trip reports, share travel tips and stories and just have a grand time talking travel with other travelers or travel dreamers.

Let us know if you hope to be there so we can make sure we have enough chairs.

I'm planning to bring both my Appenzell and my Ravenna Day Pack for show and tell and comparison. Does anyone else have a travel item for show and tell?

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15284 posts

Yeppers!! I'll be there!

For anyone considering coming down from the CdA area, ALL the road construction has been competed. I just drove up and back yesterday and the stupid, stupid, stupid wooden planked bridge detour is gone. I don't have my winter tires on yet but wished I did as going up it was frozen fog most of the way. Coming back late afternoon/early evening it was much clearer than around Noon.

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15284 posts

Just thought I’d send this to the top.

If it’s just you guys and S&M and me probably no need for you to bring the packs unless you just want to!!

Unless you talked Frances in to coming?!?

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2092 posts

Good idea, asking Fran. I'll give her a call this morning. I also heard from Rena so we can look forward to a fantastic trip report from their trip. Maybe I'll bug Rog this a.m. too.
I won't bring my "show and tell" since everyone has already seen them.
Have you heard about the airport shake up here in Lewiston? Maybe we'll get a second airline again before too many decades. It's fine having only an arrivals gate, a departure gate and a gate with a rubber tree in front of it but I'd sure like a flight to Seattle and one to Boise with a competing airline (aka with lower fares)!

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15284 posts

Oh yeah, saw the airport manager has finally been ax'd. Yes, it would be good if they got Alaska back but I'm thinking that door is closed.

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2092 posts

Anything is possible according to the the Board! Fingers crossed!

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2092 posts

At last! our meeting is tomorrow!
Those of you who can't make it, you'll be missed! (and we will talk about them! heeheehee!)

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2092 posts

At last, today's the day! Now we just have to get through the pea soup fog. Hopefully it's clear at the top of the Lewiston Hill.

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15284 posts

You've probably left already but it's clear as a bell up here on the Idaho Palouse!

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2092 posts

We had a fantastic meeting--as usual--and even had a new well-travelled couple! Welcome Rod and Lanore!