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International Travel Meeting April 2 @ 9:30 a.m. Pacific *

Do you like talking about travel and interacting with others who share the same passion? If yes, this is the place for you. Everyone is welcome, no matter where you live.
Every meeting there will be topics to discuss.

Topics for this month:

  • If you’ve ever moved to Europe or anywhere else as an expat how did you decide where to move and what was it like for you once you arrived? What steps did you have to take to be approved for your visa? Please note that this topic is not to discuss why you wouldn’t want to be an expat or what prevents you from considering it.

  • What do you look for as far as coverage when obtaining travel insurance? What websites do you use? Have you had success when making a claim?

Please let me know in a reply to this post or with a PM if you are interested. If you have participated previously I already have your email address. If you haven’t you will need to send it to me in a PM. If you have told me you are interested and later find you can’t participate please let me know.

I will be emailing the Zoom link an hour or two before the meeting begins.

Please think of some topics for future meetings and share them during the meeting or you can PM me if you prefer.

*** I am in Washington State waiting for my grandchild to make an appearance. My daughter is in labor now and I expect/hope he will be born very soon. If something happens that will prevent me from hosting this meeting I will either cancel it or start it and designate someone to co-host. Please check back prior to the meeting to see if there is an update. Thanks.**

Upcoming meetings will be:

May 7

June 4

Posted by
1887 posts

Andrea, I'd like to join the call. Can't wait to hear about the new baby.

Posted by
4604 posts

I won't attended, but do want to send wishes for a healthy delivery.

Posted by
3256 posts

As a Canadian, our travel insurance is different than that of the US, but please send me the link anyway.
I enjoyed the last Zoom meeting!
Hope the labour is short, and Mum and Baby are well!

Posted by
7034 posts

Oh my gosh, I completely forgot to send my best wishes for the baby's birth! That's so exciting!

Posted by
9047 posts

I should be able to attend.
Nigel, I will wait for Andrea to post. (the perks of being on FB)

Posted by
10403 posts

Our new bouncing baby boy was born yesterday at 11:21 a.m. Mom and baby are doing well, though after 2.5 days of labor mom is exhausted. So am I after being up for almost 3 days! We couldn’t be happier. Thanks for the well wishes, they are very appreciated.

Posted by
408 posts

Congratulations to your family, Andrea. Fantastic news that all's well, and mom and son are doing fine !!

Posted by
2092 posts

Wonderful news, Andrea!
Congrats and best wishes for sleep-filled nights for everyone!

Posted by
327 posts

Congratulations on your new grandson. I'm very happy for all of you.

Please add me to the list for the zoom meeting

Posted by
7034 posts

Congratulations, Andrea!!! That is so exciting - best wishes to the parents and the wee baby boy!!!

Posted by
1887 posts

Congratulations, Nana (?). I am so happy to hear the baby has arrived and hope all of you can get some sleep now.....particularly the new Mom.

Posted by
1312 posts

Congratulations to your family Andrea!
Please save me a square for the April 2nd meeting.

Posted by
10403 posts

@priyatv, please send me a PM with your email so I can send the zoom link to you.

@Matt, Thanks! I will bore you with too many pictures next time I see you. 😆

@Darcy, thank you. I hope we can coordinate visits with our daughters since they live so close to each other so we can get together. We already have plans to be there for a week in late July and we will be back again in September as well since we have a wedding in Leavenworth on September 8.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes. You all are the best!

Posted by
10403 posts

Bumping this up to make sure people see it.

Posted by
305 posts

Two interesting topics. Choosing the right travel insurance for your trip is so tricky. A number of travel insurance policies look good initially but what happens when someone has to file a claim?

Congratulations re your grandson, Andrea!

Posted by
1385 posts

Andrea and Jim, congratulations on the new addition to your family. Now hopefully you have caught up on some rest and have had some time with your grandson. I’m looking forward to meeting up at the Highland games in Enumclaw when you come back around in July.

Meanwhile, if there is still room in the Zoom meeting, please add me. I am considering a move to Portugal so will be interested in other Forum members’ experience in moving to Europe (or other places around the globe).

Posted by
33339 posts

I'm hoping to attend but we will be leaving shortly thereafter for the mainland and packing may take precedence

Posted by
132 posts

Hi Andrea,

Congratulations on the new grandson. Glad you're all getting some rest. You've earned it!

Please count me in for the meeting. Looking forward to it.

See you Sunday.


Posted by
10376 posts

Is there still room? Is that 6:30 pm in Europe? I was supposed to be traveling back to France from Naples but am now free to join. 😂

Posted by
10403 posts

There’s definitely enough room. Have a spritz for me!

Posted by
10403 posts

@Nigel, I’ll send you the link and it will be great if you can join. Otherwise, have a wonderful trip!

Posted by
15686 posts

Hi Andrea (and Jim). Congratulations to all. I'm busy getting ready for Passover but I hope to be able to join tonight (with a margarita if I finish my to-do list by then)

Posted by
10403 posts

I’ve emailed the zoom link. Since I’m not home I can’t guarantee there won’t be a problem connecting. If there is a problem and you have my number please text me. If you don’t you can post here and I’ll get the email notification. Hopefully there won’t be any glitches. 🤞🏼

Posted by
2113 posts

I didn’t get the link? It’s ok. I’m having a problem with my computer so I might not be able to join.

Posted by
1385 posts

It was a nice discussion today about Expats and the challenges involved. I posted the name of the FB group on the Zoom chat but if you did t see it, the name of the group is: Americans & FriendsPT

Posted by
33339 posts

Thanks Andrea and Jim for taking valuable time out of your so important new grandparent duties. Good meetup

Posted by
10403 posts

It was nice seeing everyone today. See you next month!

Posted by
134 posts

Sounds like the meeting yesterday was great! Sorry I missed you all.

Andrea and Jim....Congratulations on your new grandbaby. They bring much joy!!

Posted by
7034 posts

It was great fun, Andrea - thanks so much for hosting as usual!! Sorry I had to leave a bit early - my 4 year old grandson got home and was intent on photobombing the zoom session, lol!