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International Travel Group Meeting - Sunday Nov. 6 @ 9:30 PST*

Note that the 6th is the day we turn clocks back one hour

After a two month break it’s time for another International Travel Meeting. If you like talking about travel and interacting with others who share the same passion this is the place for you. Everyone is welcome, no matter where you live.

There’s a limit to the number of participants. You must reply to this thread to be invited. The first 24 people to respond will have priority to be admitted to the meeting. I can send more invites in case any of the those 24 people don't log in. We have a 5 minute grace period starting at 9:30 a.m. After that any others still in the 'waiting room' can be admitted, up to a total of 24 people. So far this hasn’t been an issue. If someone finds they can’t participate after all, I would appreciate it if you can let me know as soon as possible.

Every meeting there will be topics to discuss. Of course we will discuss other things as well.

Topics for this month:

  • Many of us have traveled recently. If you would like to offer a quick trip report of less than 10 minutes we would like to hear where you went and how the trip was. The good, the bad and the ugly.

  • Edited to add Christmas Markets. Note that if we run out of time it will be the first topic in December.

Please let me know in a reply to this post or with a PM if you are interested. If you have participated previously I already have your email address. If you haven’t you will need to send it to me in a PM.

I will be emailing the Zoom link an hour or two before the meeting begins.

Please think of some topics for future meetings and share them during the meeting or you can PM me if you prefer.

Upcoming meetings will be:

December 4
January 8

Posted by
1 posts

Hello Andrea,

Greetings from Istanbul where I am listening to the blue mosque and Hagia Sophia call out to each other. I am returning from a trip to Beirut, Amman, Petra, and Shiraz and would like to join your call on November 6. Thank you in advance for including me.

Sue Rutledge

Posted by
34547 posts

Sue, you will need to PM Andrea with your email address so she can send you the link on the day.

Posted by
2078 posts

Andrea, count me in. Probably just having the travel talks will be enough of an agenda knowing how much this group travels! Safe journey home.

Posted by
5035 posts

Andrea, put me down on your back up list please (and give any “for sure” attendees the priority spots). I would like to join you from Brighton, but can’t be sure yet. :)

I know I won’t make Dec. 4.

Welcome home!

Posted by
8649 posts

Andrea, please include me! Thanks and have a safe flight home!

Posted by
4390 posts

Oh, thank you for setting this up again, I have missed everyone. I too would like to hear about anyones recent trip - I can add 10 minutes about Spain, I’ll do some notes so I don’t rattle on. Since we’ll going to London in April, I want to hear all about your trip!

Posted by
10820 posts

Sorry. I'll be in the Metro on my way to a dinner. That "best rotisserie chicken in Paris" thread got to me.

Posted by
1448 posts

Andrea, please add me. I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip and I’ll talk a bit about Scotland.

Posted by
10791 posts

Bets, we will miss you. Enjoy Paris.

TexasTravelMom, you’re traveling again! Are you ever home? I aspire to be able to do the frequent trips.

We got home last night after an uneventful day of travel, yay!, and it was so good to sleep in my own bed last night. Now I just need to go grocery shopping, laundry, etc.

Posted by
134 posts

Hi Andrea,
I would love to attend your travel meeting this month. I really enjoyed the one in July.
I recently took a Rick Steves tour and also spent a week in the Orkneys. I would love to do a quick 10-minute chat about it if you have time.
Mark Craig

Posted by
9325 posts

Might be able to make it this time.
Thanks for arranging it.
For a theme, maybe Christmas markets?

Posted by
1325 posts

I’ll be in Nice and will try to join if I can.
I think that it’s at 6:30 pm local time for me.

Posted by
5035 posts

Oooh, I like the Christmas Markets idea, if we have time. I think we will have so much to talk about that you will have to crack the whip to keep us all in line! Ha!

Posted by
10791 posts

SharYn, you are correct for the time.

Christmas markets for a 2nd topic is it! If we run out of time and don’t get to it we will have it be the first topic next month. Should I have some music standing by to ‘play off’ anyone who is talking too long? 😆

Posted by
330 posts

Hi. I’d like to join if there’s still room. I like the idea of some music to hint to the speaker that he/she needs to wrap things up. LOL

Posted by
10791 posts

Valerie, are you volunteering to be the official time keeper? You can either play people off like an awards show or maybe blow a whistle or ring a bell when their time is up. Your choice.

Mister E, someone at an actual Christmas Market would be a first. If you can PM me with your email I’ll send you the link and if you’re able to join that would be fantastic.

Posted by
330 posts

Oops, on second thought - let the “long talkers” talk on! 🤣

Posted by
15803 posts

Hi Andrea, I have just returned to the RS forums and am still recovering from strange jetlag/sleep pattern. Is there still room for me? If anyone's interested I can talk for 2 minutes about Chicago or forever about Zion NP and Bryce NP last month.

If Mr.E has a warm-ish place to zoom, I'll be happy to join him on Dec. 4 and I will bring a bottle of wine - I assume he will have a corkscrew and 2 glasses 🥰 or maybe there's mulled wine at the market?

Posted by
10820 posts

The Chani & Mister E Talk Show, Live from Budapest.
Can't wait.

Posted by
10791 posts

Welcome back, Chani. There’s still room. Anyone else?

Posted by
10791 posts

@rutlescan (Sue Rutledge), I sent you a private message but I’m not sure you know how to check it. You need to give me your email address if you would like to join the meeting.

Posted by
330 posts

I’d like to join, thank you Andrea and welcome back!

Posted by
10791 posts

Last call to join the meeting. I’ll need you to respond by 7:30 PST this morning. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone later.

Posted by
10791 posts

Tammy, you’re just in time. I was just getting ready to hit the button to send the emails and I took one last look at the thread.

Posted by
2907 posts

This meeting today was packed to the rafters with travel story excitement. I'm so stuffed I need to take a nap.
thanks everyone who contributed!

Posted by
330 posts

This was such a good meeting with lots of interesting trip reports. Thanks to all who gave trip reports and to Andrea and Jim for hosting.

Posted by
3627 posts

Really enjoyed the meeting and travel stories! Thank you Andrea for hosting!
Very interested in Christmas market talk, so put me down for next month!

Posted by
34547 posts

I had a wonderful time.

We ran long but that was because of so much good information.

TMI on gorillas though, even if they don't smell...

Posted by
10791 posts

Great meeting with interesting trip reports. It was so nice to see everyone after a 2 month break. Sorry we didn’t get to the Christmas markets, but next month it will be the top topic. Hopefully we can hear from a couple of people actually reporting in from the markets.

Diveloonie, I’m happy you want to attend next month, but you will need to respond to that meetings post.