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International Travel Group Meeting - Sunday, 8/11 @ 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time

If you like to talk about travel then please join us. We welcome everyone, no matter where you live.
Each meeting there will be topics to discuss. One topic will be focused on a country or large city. Please make suggestions of future places you may want to talk about. It could be a destination you are going to or considering, or even a place that you have a lot of knowledge of and would like to share with others.

Topics for this month:

  • Budapest
  • Where do you like to go that’s under the radar or outside of the typical tourist destinations?

Let me know in a reply to this post or with a PM if you are interested in joining us. If you have participated previously I already have your email address. If you haven’t you will need to send it to me in a PM.

I will be emailing the Zoom link an hour or two before the meeting begins.

If you have told me you want to attend and then find out you can’t make it I would appreciate you letting me know.
Ideas for future meetings are welcome and can be brought up during the meeting or you can PM me if you prefer.

Future meetings will be -
September 1
No meeting in October because I will be traveling
November 3 We will be returning from Paris the night before the meeting. Don’t be surprised if we are out of it! The clocks change back to standard time this day, so don’t forget the change them.

Posted by
4172 posts

We might be able to attend. Please send us a link.

Posted by
21746 posts

Andrea, thank you for the time! That is 18:30 here, so sign me up.
Very much appreciated.

Posted by
3676 posts

I would like to join, please. If there is interest and time, I can speak about some places here in Alaska that are not on the typical tourist path, but are well worth the time and effort to get there. I realize it’s not Europe, so no worries if it’s not what you have in mind Andrea. I very much want to hear more about Budapest. We have a 2 week stay planned there in 2026 (fingers crossed).

Posted by
4657 posts

Hi Andrea. I would like to attend for August. Thanks.

Posted by
1722 posts

Please add me too, Andrea. Thanks for organizing.

Posted by
1328 posts

Hi Andrea --
Please include me this month -- I've missed seeing everyone!

Posted by
15806 posts

Please include me.
I have been to Budapest on 4 trips, the shortest was 5 days, so I know the evening will bring back tons of good memories. I hope we'll be able to expand beyond Budapest to some nearby places in Hungary.

Posted by
10836 posts

I’ve just returned home from a 3 week trip to Oregon and Washington. We enjoyed spending a little time with group members Scott and Barb, though not at the same time. I’m happy to see there is so much interest in this meeting. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone.

Posted by
1722 posts

And just like that I'm out. Our friend is returning to India and we are having a get together. Unfortunately this was the only time that worked.

Hope to see you all next month.

Posted by
10836 posts

Andrea, that’s why I write everyone’s name in pencil. Just kidding. Stuff happens and I get that. Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully we will see you in September.

Posted by
313 posts

I would love to attend! I can’t get enough of our local travel group meet ups (with Scott and Barb). The “International” group sounds like the big time! I’ll send a dm with my email.

Aahhhh…..Budapest. Where the incredibly big man in incredibly small speedos barked at me to just be still in the cold plunge pool at Gellert instead of flopping around shivering. He was absolutely right. I’ve bravely squared my shoulders and met the cold water with barely a flinch since. I love learning from locals.

Posted by
9344 posts

Room for one more? I can talk about some towns in Germany, Spain and Portugal that I find/found interesting.

Posted by
10836 posts

Hi Jo, We would enjoy hearing about those places when we get to the under the radar topic. See you Sunday!

Posted by
145 posts

Hope there's room for another! if so, count me in!!

Posted by
10836 posts

Fair warning, we have a lot of people this month. I’ll send the link to everyone tomorrow morning between 7:30-8:00 a.m. my time and I’ll post here after I send it. If you can’t attend please let me know as soon as possible and if you don’t get your link please let me know right away. Once the meeting starts I can’t spend the time trying to send a new link. I usually log into the meeting 10-15 minutes early. Once it is 9:30 the meeting will officially start.

See you Sunday!

Posted by
5334 posts

Hi Andrea,
I’d like to join the meeting, if there’s still room.
Thank you!

Posted by
10836 posts

The link has been sent to everyone that requested attending. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

Posted by
9344 posts

I may not stay a long time in case anyone wants to join a bit later. Tomorrow is an early morning for me.

Posted by
8185 posts

If it’s not too late, I would like to join you.

Posted by
10836 posts

Jean, I just sent you the link. I hope it works.

Posted by
313 posts

First timer here but haven’t received my link. I sent my email again in a dm

Posted by
10836 posts

I sent the link to the email address you provided. Please check your junk folder to see if it ended up there.

Posted by
8185 posts

The Zoom meeting is saying you have another meeting in progress.

Posted by
4439 posts

Did we ever discuss how our travel has changed since getting older and having more time being retired?
Such as needing to take cabs more often or staying at hotels with elevators and/or ac, staying longer in cities cause we don’t have the energy to move faster.
It could be a second topic.
Also, what other guide books are good and why?

Posted by
5334 posts

Andrea, thanks for hosting this meeting!

It was great seeing all the forum members who attended and learning about Budapest, and some of the hidden gems elsewhere.

Thanks everyone who contributed! :-)

Posted by
2935 posts

Adding my thanks to A&J for bringing us together.

I liked james' term 'museum hounds' and will add that to my self description :-)

Posted by
3676 posts

Loved the meeting, learned more about Budapest. Loved the off the beaten path suggestions.

Suggested topics for future meetings;
-Favorite piece of art and why you loved it. Favorite quirky museums.
-A food themed meeting focusing on different regional areas either of one country or several countries.

Posted by
1457 posts

Another suggestion for future topics. This isn’t a suggestion about Europe but since this is an International Travel Group, I would like to learn more about two Canadian cities:

Quebec City

Posted by
8827 posts

Oh, I like Tammy's idea of a food-themed meeting! I've really been wanting to go back to Italy and focus on food in certain regions.

I also like hearing about places outside Europe, like Montreal and Quebec City, and so on. Japan could be a good topic, too—there are lots of forum members who have visited there or want to (including me). :-)

Andrea and Jim, thanks again for hosting! Sorry I had to leave early but I'm glad I texted Jean so she could get in!

Posted by
10836 posts

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this, but it’s been a very busy week. Thanks for the great topic suggestions. I keep notes, so if anyone thinks of more please let me know.

It seems like we just had our meeting, but the next one is only two weeks away!