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Hey Minneapolitans!

Minneapolis travelers! Do we have a travel group? If not, I think we should start one. I live in Bryn Mawr, first exit to the west of downtown. Would love to meet with you and share stories, coffee, wine, etc. We've taken two MyWay Tours (Best of Europe and Alpine Europe) and just got back from the Sicily tour. Amazing. This has been a historically hard winter. Let's get together and laugh a bit.

Posted by
7144 posts

It seems to me someone tried to get one started in your area last summer some time. Maybe if you look through the Travel Group Forum you could find the post and make another try to get one going.

Posted by
397 posts

Lizthemadhatter-I frequent the forum here and also reside in Minneapolis. While I have not done a RS tour, I am a proud owner of over a dozen of his guidebooks and am fortunate to have traveled to Europe 3 times a year for the last decade, all while subscribing to our forum's host of trying to fit in and live like a local. If you gather up enough people and also pick a place that has some Surly Furious or other fine craft brewing alternatives that run rampant here in the cities, I would possibly be game. :)

Posted by
10571 posts

There are many travel groups on this forum across the country, and I'm sure none of them have a requirement that attendees have taken a RS tour. My group in Sacramento has been meeting monthly since July 2010 and most of the regulars haven't taken a tour. We always have a lot of fun and I've made some great friends through our group. Good luck putting one together. Feel free to PM me if you'd like any advice about starting a group.

Posted by
155 posts

Nancy, thank you for the suggestion - I will poke around on here later this afternoon and see what I can find. Jay, sounds good! I'll let you know what I find and and see if we can pick up some more people. Andrea, thanks for the information - of course taking a RS Tour would not be a requirement to attend, just a desire to share travel experiences and information and have fun. Hopefully we can get something started after this ghastly winter is over.

Posted by
1260 posts

Hi liz. If you scroll down this section of the forum to 7/18/18, you will see a thread on this. Six of us organized and held a meeting last July; it was fun to meet others and hear their perspectives. Feel free to organize another meeting if desired.

Posted by
42 posts

I was at the first such meeting some months ago, which I believe was the only one to date. I'd enjoy having more, and would attend if at all possible. I would particularly like to hear about the Sicily tour, since that is at the top of my list at present, and could talk about one of the tours I've taken, show photos, whatever.

Getting together and sharing stories - not to mention laughing and wine - sounds perfect.

-Ben (in Minnetonka)

Posted by
6294 posts

I attended the first meeting as well. I was out of town much of March and missed this post. I would be interested in a travel meeting especially at a craft brewery! There are some great ones that are very conducive to group meetings. I tend to know the ones in the south/east metro. I have not been on a RS tour, yet, though we have one planned in the middle of a trip to Italy in October/November. In general, I am probably more interested in meetings to discuss independent travel in Europe, though I think a larger group meetings would be fine and then perhaps people with similar interests could put together some smaller gatherings as well.

Minnetonka Ben, I can do wine, too, haha

Posted by
1161 posts

We started our LA/OC group over a year ago and we have a mix of guided tour and independent travelers. We’ve built our group up to a consistent 8-10 members who attend regularly. We don’t have a consistent day of the month to meet but instead we check our schedules to decide on a date which has worked really well for us. We also decided to meet in different places to take advantage of everything our melting pot has to offer! Good luck and just be persistent. We’ve had meetings with as little as 3 members who were able to come and the biggest turnout was 11! It’s so rewarding to meet up and chat about all things travel.