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Denver Travel Group, July 15

Wow, the 3rd Saturday sure snuck up on me. It's this coming Saturday, the 15th of July. Same time: 10AM. Same place: Panera Bread at Aspen Grove.

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118 posts

I've got a 9 a.m. appointment in the area, then will head over once that's done, probably closer to 11.

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25 posts

I will be there. Jen, hope the passports showed up in time!

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19276 posts

J & J just emailed me that they will not be there today. Renaissance Festival traffic plus weather forecast.

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19276 posts

I'm going to start 12 weeks of chemotherapy for my bladder cancer in a week or two, and I don't know how I will be feeling then. In the interim, Martha has offered to post notices for upcoming meetings.