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Denver Meeting, Feb 18

Ops. The third Saturday comes early this month (caught me by surprise). It's in three days.

We meet on the18th this month.

Time: 10 AM.
Place: Panera Bread in Aspen Grove, on Santa Fe near the Mineral station, south end of the SW light rail line.

Mar 18 (same date, happens 3 out of 4 years)
Apr 15 (get your taxes in early so you can be there)

Posted by
154 posts

We won't be there, will be trying the waffles in Belgium instead. See you all when get back.

Posted by
3522 posts

Let's see:

  1. I'm not traveling this weekend.
  2. Weather looks to be great.
  3. Feeling healthy.
  4. Need to pick up some things at the shopping center anyway.

Just might make it to this one! No promises, because something always seems to come up when I do.

Posted by
19379 posts

Mark, darn it. I was so looking forward to meeting you, but I don't think I will make it tomorrow. Without Jerry and Janette or D & D, my heart is just not in it. (Actually, that's a lie.) My Partner, Robin, had to go into the hospital Thursday night for a minor respiratory problem (she couldn't breathe) and, she will probably be discharged tomorrow (Saturday) morning). Hope someone shows up for you.

Posted by
3522 posts

Oh no! Not breathing sounds really serious. Hope it clears up quickly.

I also had a family member enter the hospital since I posted that note so I am there (Houston) instead of here. Missed the meeting again.

There is always next month.

Posted by
19379 posts

Well, Mark, she told me Saturday morning they would not release her in the morning (in fact they did not release her anytime on Saturday), so I went to Panera. I was about 15 min late and no one from the group was there. I had a Rick Steves book on the table in case you did show up. Glad to know you had not shown up at 10 AM and given up before I got there.

She's doing fine now; expecting to me discharged this afternoon. She had a bad, bad cold that caused "spasms of the larynx" or something like that. The medication she was given cleared that up.

Hope to see you next month.

I'm going to Germany for 3 weeks in late April to mid May, but I'll leave after the April meeting and return before the May meeting.

Posted by
4422 posts

Lee and Mark, I sincerely hope that your loved ones are well on their way to improvement!

Posted by
3522 posts

Glad to hear she is doing better.

It is my brother who ended up in the hospital. Had a fairly serious unexpected reaction to some medications he has been taking for quite a while. He is still in, probably be there till next Friday as they work through finding replacement drugs that will work for him.

Thanks for showing up with the book to indicate who you were, even though I didn't make it. I will know what to look for next time. :-)