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Denver area group, should we cancel

So far, I see that two travel groups have cancelled their March meeting, although not necessarily because of the PAN(dem)IC. The SF bay (East Bay) area meeting has been cancelled for this weekend, and the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene group has already cancelled there's for the 28th.

We still have 8 days before the March meeting. A lot will change in the meantime,and we will continue to monitor the situation. But for today, the question is, shall we cancel the March meeting now or wait for a while?

Note: I deleted and restarted this thread. I never intended it to be a general discussion by the entire board about the severity of the virus in general, only a pole of those likely to attend as to whether they wanted the meeting canceled. There were about 10 posts, but only two from people likely to attend.

As for me, if healthy, I will probably attend. However, know that Robin, who is currently in Costa Rica, will return on Thursday and will probably attend. I'm hoping by that time CBC will be testing everyone coming in from abroad.

Please, don't make this a discussion. Leave room for "members" to express their preference.

Posted by
2252 posts

I am glad you did that, Lee. I still can't come Saturday but it's only because of the darned son of mine having to have his birthday celebration planned for that day. Since it will only be the two of us, I can hardly cancel on him, right?!? 😃 But IF I were going to come, I would vote to carry on with the plan!

Posted by
98 posts

I would come. Went to Golden Europe last night. As for Robin -- they're bunching everybody together to get thru customs and it's taking hours. I think the "testing" is only temperatures. If I were her I would isolate (even from you :-( ) for 14 days.

Posted by
19310 posts

Linda, we were just discussing it on the phone. The first issue is where should she be. Right now she feels pretty safe down there. So far, CR has only 27 reported cases (in a country with about the same population as Colorado, which has 130 cases), and she is in a fairly isolated town (about 500 non-tourist population). But, who knows how long that is going to last. I think we all know this is going to be world wide, everywhere, sooner or later. If she stays there and eventually gets it, how good is Costa Rica's medical system?

If she were here, I would keep her isolated at home, but sooner or later, I'll have to go out for groceries. I try to be careful at the store - avoid being too close to people, try not to touch too much, and wash my hands as soon as I get home, but I still worry about bringing it back to her. I'm not as concerned about myself. We are the same age, but my immune system (knock on wood) seems to be fairly good (I rarely get colds and shake illnesses off quickly), but her immune system is compromised and she does have COPD.

Then there is the danger of being in a closed environment (airplane) with a hundred or so people (some of whom will probably be carrying the virus) on the way home. BTW, she will fly through Houston, which right now is not one of the airports with CBC backups.

So, I don't know. What I do believe is that the longer she stays there, the greater the chance that all transportation will shut down and she will have no choice.

See you Saturday, unless Robin comes back, then we will probably self-isolate.

Posted by
2196 posts

Yes I think we should cancel. Panera will likely not be open anyway.

And — just my 2 cents — I think Robin should get herself home ASAP & you two should then self quarantine for at least 2 weeks. I hope she makes it home safely & you both stay well.

By the way Tom & I obviously cancelled our cruise. 😣 I hope everyone else is safe at home & healthy.

Posted by
19310 posts

I just looked at the Panera website, and they don't appear to have closed their stores, yet, although they are apparently taking precautions. However, this is only Monday, and Major Hancock has already closed all restaurants in Denver; I expect the Governor will soon follow suit. Stay tuned.

Posted by
98 posts

Looks like we can't meet anyway with the restaurants closed. Keep in touch everyone. Larry, let us know if Robin gets home and how she is. Hope for next month. Linda

Posted by
19310 posts

I just talked on the phone to the people Panera at Aspen Grove, and they are still open (actually, when I talked to them they were closing in a few minutes, their normal closing time) but their plan - now - is to be open tomorrow). The stores that are closed are in Denver. I don't expect this to last, and I might yet call off the meeting, but for now they are open. Whether we want to go there is another story.

I think that there are a large percentage of over 65 members in our group, so it might be prudent to call it off, but I'll decide that in a few days.

Posted by
149 posts

Yes, let's cancel. Aside from social distancing. We'll be shoveling today. Just as soon wait until next month.

Posted by
19310 posts

I won't be coming, so as far as I am concerned, it's cancelled, but others can do what they want.