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Wonky airline sites..or is it me?

I'm just wondering if I am doing something wrong. I know how to use google flights etc but when I go to an airlines site I feel like I am going to pull my hair out by the roots trying to get all the info in. Before I throw my tablet off the deck, does anyone else struggle? Things like finding multiple cities or even dates. Maybe it's my crappy wifi but I'd like to know I'm not alone!!! 🥺

Posted by
273 posts

Everyone has a different level of skill using internet search; I never have had trouble using many airline websites in 20 years.
Try your local library for strong wifi:; they are all about access to info so there free wifi is always strong.
Starbucks has strong wifi also and you don't need to buy anything to use it.

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6871 posts

One suggestion: A computer, rather than a mobile device (phone, tablet) is a far better tool for successfully completing complex tasks (at least that's true for me, I know some folks won't want to hear takes a major challenge for my spouse to put down her beloved phone and fire up her more-capable desktop computer). Large screens, solid internet connection, ability to easily save, retrieve, and organize lots of information, ease of juggling many open browser windows and multiple apps, all that helps.

I like bringing my iPad Mini when traveling, and can manage most tasks on that when needed, but when it's time to get stuff done, no way I'd be on a phone or tablet (unless I had to be). Large screens really make complex tasks so much easier. If you don't have a computer handy, maybe go someplace (library, friend's house, workplace?) where you can use one.

That said, if you can be a little more specific in exactly what kind of issues you are struggling with, what you are finding difficult to do (give clear details on exactly what is happening or not happening, rather than just saying you're having trouble), people here can give you plenty of suggestions to get things done.

Posted by
311 posts

Well, hate to admit I've had trouble just changing from round trip to multi city! Little things like the calendars ,etc . I'm thinking maybe it IS my wifi and tablet and not me! Some sites do seem to be more user friendly. Thank you!

Posted by
273 posts

Most tax payer funded libraries bridge the digital divide by having desktop computers and personnel called cyber navigators like a tutor to help folks with the kind of issues you are having. A good internet connection is mandatory if spending thousands of dollars on stuff like plane tickets.

Posted by
914 posts

I too find it much easier to use my PC for some tasks than a tablet or phone. In part because of the screen size but also because some website features aren't available on mobile devices.

I normally use Delta's website and it has taken me awhile to learn it. Each airline designs theirs differently. I've also had a learning curve on Delta's app.

Posted by
10501 posts

David, you make a very good point. One we should keep in mind more often !

Posted by
311 posts

Thanks! I do agree that there is a learning curve if you are jumping sites. I've always used my tablet for most airlines tx. purchases. United is the friendliest 😁 but have navigated British Air and Virgin Atlantic. I'm not a total nubie but was having more issues lately, especially with Delta and Lufthansa. Thanks for all the ideas!

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2507 posts

I had trouble with the multi-cities at first. You need to go to ‘Advanced Search’ for that, and some airlines call it ‘multi-cities’, while others call it ‘open-jaw’. Does that help?

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17603 posts

Chriss, I have had the same kind of trouble with certain airlines’ websites—I think Delta is one—when trying to change dates or switch from multi-city to roundtrip, etc. It is not a wifi problem for me; I know we have good strong wifi. But I am using an iPad so maybe that is the problem.

Fortunately I have no trouble navigating British Airways or Alaska Airlines, which are pretty much the only airlines I book for our travels. And I do that on my iPad, ut not with an app; I use the website.

Posted by
8666 posts

David, I wholeheartedly agree - you will have to pry my laptop out of my cold dead fingers before I give it up. I love my phone and use it for a lot, but for dedicated work like purchasing plane tickets and anything that requires detail and concentration, I use my laptop.