hi has anyone used wiz air if so can a handbag be taken on free as well as your carry on bag. Looking at flight from Bucharest to Venice
I travelled on Wizz Air in 2010 and there was no charge for my handbag or carry on bag. I am not sure if the rules have changed. I found the service was great and very good prices. I traveled from Rome to Poznan and Poznan to Cork. Flights were late at night and full but on time!!
thanks but they have changed their policy 2012 and they allow only one carry on free but are not clear on the handbag
In general, when a budget airline says you can bring one bag, they mean ONE, not one and a handbag. In the case of Wizz Air, their policy seems pretty clear. It says one piece of cabin baggage that must fit under the seat (website gives dimensions). If it fits under the seat, it is free. If it is larger you pay, but nowhere does it say one bag and a personal item or anything like that. It just says one piece of cabin baggage. Baggage info can be found here: