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Why are train ticket prices on the English Webpage 10x on the native language webpage?

Hello everyone,

I was looking to book a ticket via QBB from Budapest to Vienna. The cheapest train tickets I could find on English pages (en in the url), were 24.90 euros. However, on the webpage in German, it was 3 euros. Same time, same station, same settings, same train, same site.

What is going on here?

URL: English:

URL: German:

Station: Budapest-Keleti to Wein Hbf (U)
Date: August 15th
Time: 15:40-18:21
Price on German URL: 3,00 euros
Price on English URL: 24,90 euros


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6377 posts

I did a search on the German version of the website and the tickets there cost €24.90. However, a seat reservation is €3 so you must have accidentally clicked on "Nur Sitzplatz".

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23267 posts

Bagder is correct. Open seating. If you want a reserve seat -- 3 euro.

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41 posts

Oh I see. Thank you for the quick replies! I tried to google translate the page, but I must have missed the reservation part.

Thank you again!