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Where can I see an actual timetable for Euromed and Talgo trains?

Not a search result or a trip planner query, which seems to return different answers depending on variables that aren't completely under our control, but an actual chart/table showing the trains that run along the east coast of Spain?

Stuck in my craw right now is that trains between Madrid and Barcelona swing through the Camp de Tarragona station as they turn northwards, but I swear that there are trains that go through the Tarragona station (not the Camp de Tarragona station) coming from the south and going up to Barcelona -- Euromed and Talgo rather than Avant --
but when you fill in station names in the usual website trip planners you get quirky results,
so where is an actual timetable showing the Euromed and Talgo schedules?

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Looking at the RENFE site they don't seem to have any complete timetables, just the search function. You could try buying the European Rail Timetable on paper.