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When will these prices go down ?

Been tracking on kayak and ...May 14 JFK to Venice Non-stop and May 23 Rome to JFK ----------Price hasan't gone lower than 998 and has gone to 1080 ----- Seats in coach avialble on JFK To Venice 78 seats remain and May 23 Rome to JFK 136 seats avaialable

I would like to pay around 800 for this ticket

Posted by
103 posts

Today 2/8/08 prices went- "Iberia Airlines" with 1 stop eachway 653 RT and Delta Non Stop 923

Posted by
4555 posts

Interestingly enough, that fare was supposedly only available on$300 below the next advertised route. However, when you try to access it now, you get the message, "Sorry we couldn't get the same price for the trip you selected." Then they offer you the $923 flight. At best, there were only a handful of tickets at these prices. At worst......

Posted by
103 posts

Your right ...that 653 is not available ...why would they put it up ? I wouldn't travel on Iberia anyway.I'm hoping the ticket on Delta goes down to 800-830 and i'll just buy it

Posted by
103 posts

I've even gone as early as April 2 thru 11 and the price is as of today 923 RT ....On those dates there are ton's of seats available ......something has to give somewhere.

Posted by
520 posts

Check out Northwest. They have a new thing called perkchoice where you pay for part of the ticket with cash and part of the ticket with frequent flyer miles. The prices look pretty good if you don't mind using frequent flyer miles this way.

Posted by
103 posts

Price today is now 860 pp round trip on delta -- jfk to venice on delta # 150 leaves 655pm on may 14 arrive 945am on may 15 = 95 coach seats available. May 23 Rome to JFK --Delta flight 149-- 1145am arrive 330pm 123 coach seats available

Posted by
103 posts

This week they now have 84 seats left for Venice and 117 from Rome ---so alittle selling is starting. There are still alot of seats ...I believe the fare will go alittle lower.

Posted by
9110 posts

How do you know how many seats are available? Are you using the seat selector to count the empty seats? If so this is not a good gage of how full or empty a flight is. Not every passenger that has a ticket has been assigned a seat yet; especially large tour groups. Also consolidators and sites like buy entire blocks of seats which may not be assigned as well.

Posted by
103 posts

Yes I am using the seat selector. I am really researching the pricing ...... Right now is 860.

I have done a comparison of other times for a 9 day trip and have gotten prices all over the board.

3/5 thru 3/14 -- 664
3/12 thru 3/31 --- 916
3/19 thru 3/28 -- 1048
4/2 thru 4/11 = 860
4/16 thru 4/25 = 1066
4/23 thru 5/2 = 940
4/30 thru 5/9 = 990
5/7 thru 5/16 = 1050

Posted by
103 posts

The 84 seats from JFK to Venice is very accurate. I went as far as to put my credit card information in and I was able to view all seats that were available. This was done on

Posted by
4555 posts missed the point of Michael's post. Just because there are seats that haven't been chosen doesn't mean the tickets haven't been sold. You may check tomorrow and find only 10 seats left, if a big block (such as a tour) has been assigned in the meantime. The guide to seat selection is not a good indication as to tickets not sold, nor is it a good guide to whether prices might go up or down.

Posted by
103 posts

I could have bought any of the 84 seats card was locked and loaded they said pick any of these seats ....what was misunderstood ? Why would Delta say I could have any of those 84 seats then ?

Posted by
4555 posts

Yes, but you probably could not have PURCHASED all 84 seats

Posted by
103 posts

I'm just buying it in the morning and i'll be done with it. Hopefully the price stays 860

Posted by
103 posts

I finally bought the ticket for 859.40 each ...except I took a later flight back home out of Rome which leaves at 1pm or so. I'm done with tracking the prices and now I can concentrate on what i'm going to do.