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What stations in Vienna?

We are traveling from Ljubljana to Vienna with our goal at to sleep several evenings at Pension Nossek in Center Vienna. What station Vienna should we depart from the Ljubljana train & take local transportation to our accommodations.? What Vienna rail station should we plan to depart for Prague?

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Hi, The train from Ljubljana (Laibach) arrives at Meidling station in Vienna, ie., Wien Meidling. Using the U-Bahn (subway) is the easiest way to arrive at the Pension. From Meidling you need to take the U-4 to Karlsplatz, then transfer to the U-1 to Stephansplatz, that's one station over on the U-1. The station Stephansplatz is closest to the Pension Nossek. To get to Prague you leave from Wien Meidling. One of the departures is a direct connection, Wien Meidling-Prague.