I'm in the process of writing a story and using The Shambles as a place of business. My problem is that I cannot find a route there from Heathrow. I've searched various travel sites, but none give me the answer that I need. Is there any way that you can help me plot a route from the airport to the Shambles?
Thanks for trying to help, Ed.
Follow this link http://ojp.nationalrail.co.uk/service/timesandfares/Heathrow_Terminal_4/YRK/160212/0830/dep and then look at Google maps for the route from the station. Of course, I've made up the date and time. and the terminal not knowing which one you wanted and have left out all the detail, but I'm not a writer. Or you could make a local colour field trip and check it all out before writing ...
Nigel, I don't see a link posted!
look again. the editor deletes certain embeds.
Shambles in York? Get into London, take the train. Probably from Kings Cross. I think it's the Picadilly Line that goes from the airport to Kings Cross/St Pancras.
Yes, Ed. My story is based on The Shambles Number 9, 10 & 11 ... the area where all the butcher shops were and Clitherow's house. Can you give me a detailed way to travel, i.e., I left the airport got aboard ______, and had to transfer to ______ , and catch a cab from there, etc., etc., This is what I need for my story, how I got from point A (Heatherow) to point B (The Shambles). Any help is greatly appreciated.
That's going to be beyond me. I only remember the gist of things and work out the guts as I go. If I told you what I thought, I'd miss too much and somebody would pick your writing apart and destroy your credibility.
Angela, The link that Nigel provided works fine for me. I gather from your posts that you're not actually going to travel the route, but just write about it? As I recall, poor Margaret Clitherow had a rather gruesome demise. That story and a visit to the Shambles is covered on the York Walking Tour, as I recall. Cheers!
Heathrow Express into London Paddington Station, take taxi from Paddington Station to King's Cross Station, train from King's Cross to York. From train station in York either taxi to Shambles or walk this path.....south on Queen St., towards Blossom St., turn left onto Blossom continue onto Micklegate continue onto Bridge St., turn left onto Spurrier gate, turn right onto Market St., turn right then left to the Shambles. Hope this helps your writing.
Remember to Google Earth the route and see how much you can get in street view, if you're not actually going there. May provide some detailed observations you can include for "realism".