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Viking orders eight more river cruise ships

More capacities of Viking on European rivers expected. For travelers worth to look for good prices on new-built ships in the next years.

"Viking Cruises has ordered eight more ‘Longship’ river cruise vessels at Neptun Werft in Rostock. The shipyard is already building ten vessels in the Longship series which are due to be completed later this year and next.

The eight new ships, due for delivery in 2027 and 2028, will be equipped with a hybrid power setup consisting of diesel-electric drives and batteries. This arrangement will absorb peak loads and save fuel, the company said."


Posted by
21764 posts

Even worse: With the 8 mentioned above, Viking now has 24 new river ships on order or under construction. 16 of them will enter service by 2026 with eight more being added to the fleet in 2027 and 2028. The cruise line also has nine more ocean ships on order that will enter service between now and 2030. In 2030, Viking will have a total of 128 cruise ships in their fleet.

107 river ships, 19 ocean ships, Two expedition ships

Posted by
5993 posts

When you look at this, plus Celebrity's entry into European river cruises, one can't help but wonder when the saturation point will be reached. Rafting or porting at less desirable docks is already common in many places. How long before towns start restricting the number of ships per day, as is increasingly happening with ocean cruises.

Posted by
4885 posts

Even worse: With the 8 mentioned above, Viking now has 24 new river
ships on order or under construction.

Why "even worse"? It can't be the argument about mega ships gorging out 5000 passengers into a port. River cruise ships only have capacity of less than 200.

Posted by
21764 posts

Rafting I guess is where several ships parallel park and the guests have to climb through one after another to reach land? Already happening here. Viking ships can be 3 deep at times. Some of the other ships park at the extremes of the center of the city making getting into the sights a bit more troublesome. Maybe its a blessing when the river is down or up and they come by bus? LOL We can easily have 10 or more ships in town at once, so that 2000+ tourists. Fortunately they tend to stay close to the ships in the evening and there is a whole zone to support them.

Posted by
11894 posts

We avoid Viking after not very good experiences with them. We book with AMAWaterways now for a much better experience.

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11894 posts

We had less than acceptable experiences with Viking but they still are expanding! For a much better experience, we switched to AMAWaterways.

Posted by
812 posts

River cruise ships only have capacity of less than 200.

True. But even two or three groups of 200 makes a big difference if you are visiting a smaller town like Bamberg.