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Using credit/debit cards in France for gas

I haven't had that much trouble using my cards in France until yesterday. I badly needed gas for my rental car and I went to 3 different places. The first 2, Leclerc and Casino (big grocery and supermarkets), refused every single one of my credit/debit cards (Visa, MC and one AMEX). Granted, Amex is not widely used here but I would have thought any of my 10 other cards would work especially since I called every one of the companies before I left the USA and told them of my travel plans. Finally, a hole in the wall gas station where I had to go in and tell the lady I wanted to pay for pump 4 worked! She said to go ahead and pump the gas and pay after. So, I tried one of my visa cards in her machine and it was accepted. Even with the chips and new technology, no one is assured that their USA credit cards will be accepted everywhere in France.

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23686 posts

US chip and signature cards do not work at gas stations and toll booths and generally any stand-along terminal. You need a true chip and pin cards that are not common in the US. Whether your card is accepted or not has nothing to do with calling your card issuer but everything to do with the security protocols used by the credit card company. Generally a live attendant can make you mag strip credit card work as she did.

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1078 posts

Interesting-my chip and pin debit card worked in both Iceland and Italy on my last trip in June 2019. Was in France also, however didn't need a car.

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23686 posts

Was it chip and pin or chip and signature? A huge difference. A chip and pin should work anywhere chip and pin is accepted. Don't think the OP was using any chip and pin cards.

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2 posts

Prior to all of my cards being refused I used them all in other parts of France and they all worked, whether chip and pin or chip and signature. This particular town was difficult. I don't think reading all of these posts can prepare anyone for what would work or wouldn't work in France. I am from here so I know a bit more about the quirky things we have to deal with every day. This actually will be new to a lot of people but it may or may not fox their problems. I am a well-seasoned traveler.

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16895 posts

The gas-pumps and other stand-along toll booths, ticket machines, etc. are probably not connected to the internet, which I understand is necessary to process US cards. The staffed machines probably are. Last year, I got most of my gas at the larger highway supermarkets, but only those that had a booth with attendant, since at least one without did not work.

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138 posts

We’re still in France and have used our chip and pin cards (credit and debit) everywhere with no problems, even in the automatic toll booths on highways. Gas stations too. Occasionally a store or restaurant will ask for a signature too but the cards have been accepted. We are in Normandy.