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Use of credit card to obtain CDW and Theft insurance on rental cars

I am planning a trip to Scotland and England in the near future and plan to rent a car for about 11 days. In past trips to Europe, I have usually purchased the rental company's insurance to avoid hassles. For this particular trip, however, the cost of insurance will be 150% of the base rental rate (i.e., the base rental rate plus tax is the equivalent of $500 whereas collision, supercoverage and theft protection totals approximately $750). As a result, I am considering using my Visa or Mastercard which provide CDW and Theft insurance for rental cars under certain conditions instead of purchasing the rental company's insurance. Has anyone had direct experience using a Visa or Mastercard for this purpose where they have had to submit a significant claim? If so, what was your experience and what advice would you offer?

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23548 posts

I have had no experience with this question but a year or more back there was an extensive discussion on this site with someone who had a major accident and was covered by her credit card --- it was not good. Maybe the search function can find that discussion for you. It was very detailed as to the specific problems. It convinced me not to trust the CC company.

Posted by
61 posts

You might also check the website forums for Scotland. I believe I have seen discussions there as well.

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9369 posts

I didn't have a major accident, but I did have a problem with my credit card's insurance when I had a small one. I checked before my trip to see if I was covered, and they said yes. Then I had the little accident (damage was under $500). Mastercard then decided that I WASN'T covered because my credit limit (not my available credit, the limit) was too low -- it was over 10x the damage, and the card had no balance before my trip. They knew my limit when they told me I was covered, right? In spite of trying to fight it, I ended up with the bill, and I will never again trust the credit card's insurance.

Posted by
658 posts

My experience is that the CDW on a USA credit card is valid in the USA, Canada and Mexico for certain. In Europe it's not valid.

Currently Hertz and Avis will not accept it as valid CDW inside their European outlets.

Check and double-check with your credit card company that the CDW extends to the UK. Then get it in writing, including what the procedure is in case of collision or theft.

Posted by
23548 posts

One other issue I thought about is which insurance is primary --- your car insurance or the credit card insurance. I have been told that the cc insurance is secondary and only covers what your primary coverage does not. Is there such thing as a short term blanket policy that would cover everything? Where is the insurance agent when you need him/her ??

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2 posts

Frank, in reply to your 7:01 message (and by the way I appreciate your input), my understanding of Visa coverage, in particular, is that you must decline the rental company's CDW, supercover and theft protection. Because most,if not all, US auto insurance policies do not provide this coverage for car rentals in Europe, it seems to me that the CC coverage becomes, by default, primary coverage. Of course, that's why we should all be nervous about relying on the CC coverage; if the card company finds a reason to deny coverage, you are left twisting in the wind. Since posting my initial message, I've started looking into Travel Guard (sp?)offered by AIG.It provides collision damage coverage at a very attractive rate (about $100 for my 11-day trip with a $250 deductible)but apparently doesn't provide theft protection. However, there are few policy details on the website and, as we know too well, with insurance policies the devil is in the details.

Posted by
190 posts

Having lived in the UK for 7 years, let me suggest that the only kind of car insurance you want is theirs. Also, if there is a problem, expect it to take months and months to be resolved, especially if the injuries are not just to the vehicle(s). If your insurance is not local, this can be an even greater hassle.

I am surprised that the insurance is so high, since I have never had that experience either as a resident or as a tourist. You might want to do some further checking to see if you can get a better rate.

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1167 posts

This question should be taken up with your current auto insurance carrier.

Posted by
2951 posts

We always use our CC for CDW insurance in Europe. You will need to decline the CDW offered by the car rental agency. I always call my credit card co. to ask and get in writing the "worst case scenario" and to get all the details about the coverage.
