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Upgrading with points on Virgin Atlantic

I would like to fly from JFK to LHR next May on Virgin Atlantic. I'd like to book my flight now, as the folks who own the B&B where I usually stay won't accept a reservation until I have a plane ticket (apparently, people have totally forgotten they made reservations, etc. so this is the new policy). I recently got a new credit card to earn 75K points in the first 90 days provided I spend a certain amount of money. I'm about halfway through the spending part. I thought I would book a Premium seat, then upgrade to Upper Class when I get my new points.
I've been looking over this table that explains how many points you need to upgrade. I'm a little confused. Why does it take so many points to upgrade from Premium to Upper Class, and so few to do it from Economy Classic?

Am I missing something important here? I've never upgraded before so I could use some advice from more experienced travelers. Thank you!

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33457 posts

as the folks who own the B&B where I usually stay won't accept a reservation until I have a plane ticket

that's the bit that gets me. Surely if you usually stay there they will know you and know that you are reliable. Can't you approach them as a regular customer and and ask them to waive that for you? They know you'll be good for it. Or offer a deposit?

You're talking 8 months out... by the way, I've never heard of such a policy. Have the owners changed?

Curious if this B&B with the rules is in London?

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2775 posts

Are you missing something? I don't know but you host certainly is. Just because you send them flight info doesn't mean you can't cancel that What a bizarre requirement I am also confused.

Now on to you question.

From JFK to LHR if you book Economy Classic it costs 15,000 to go to Premium. From Premium to Upper Class is an additional 60,000 points OR you can go direct from Economy to Upper class for 75,000 (Basically the cost of the two prior upgrades) I am not sure where you are seeing what you are posting?

Now for the things to think about
1. IT's based on availability. That does NOT mean that if you see empty seats and/or they are selling Premium/Upper class it's available. That means Virgin has released seats for upgrade, it may or may not happen Right now it looks decent for going to LHR and good coming home but things change
2. Plus taxes... That's BIG one for Premium. the taxes and fees into LHR for Upper Class are STEEP.

Posted by
703 posts

Last time, the b&b didn't want a deposit. They are not open to the general public anymore, just returning customers. I agree, it's a bit odd.

Thanks for the link, Carol. I should clarify that I only want Upper Class on the way to the UK. I'm fine with Economy on the way back to JFK.

I wonder if I should try and negotiate with the b& b and explain about the plane fare. Yes, May is a long time away. I have, however, made reservations this early in the past.

I guess I was totally missing the points added up. Which is why I am glad for a fresh set of eyes!