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two people flying on different departure dates

my husband and i are going to europe--specifically london and then paris--this summer. he has to return at a certain time for work. i do not. thus, i have an opportunity to stay for an extended time, and my wonderful husband is ok with this. so my question hard is it to book two DIFFERENT flights? ideally we'd be on the same plan flying TO london--though we don't really care if we are next to each other--but on completely different flights OUT of london (and back to new york). has anyone done this and, if so, how difficult it is? we'd be booking online--we want to get the best deal possible, and thus do not think a travel agent is an option.

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1078 posts

We do it all the time-I fly into the EU to work, spouse flies in later, we both fly out together. Last time, she met me in Lisbon two weeks after I left and we flew back together. Caveat: do it by phone if using FF miles, not by internet.

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2297 posts

For us, this would be the rule rather than the exception i.e. we end up booking

a) booking flights with different arrival or departure dates for hubby and me AND

b) doing all the booking online

No big deal and yes, you can get good deals this way. Most of the time we end up sitting together at least in one plane. But like Steve we've also had times where we ended up in two different planes on the same day just because of one person using frequent flyer miles and the other one doesn't. Or because one was booked through business with a different itinerary, the other one wasn't (hubby does a trip including London, Scotland and Paris but I only join for London).