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Two One-Way Tickets Were Cheaper

I will never, ever, understand the US airlines pricing structure. Conventional wisdom (dangerous concept, really) has held that two one-way tickets are more expensive. (SWest is the exception). Needed to be in Vancouver this summer and have been following the prices -- high to very high. Since I was under 60 days, thought I need to get serious before the price went even higher. Playing with various options and wanting a direct flight - United was my only choice. Current fares were hanging around $550 for early June. On a whim I priced one-way tickets in on a Sunday and home on a Tues ten days later, I suddenly saw one-way fares for just under $200. So I booked them. Saved a bit over $150/person with two one-ways. The exact same schedule as a RT tickets with $559. Go figure !!!

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3522 posts

Airline math -- they always keep you guessing and there is no right answer.

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8143 posts

I don't know the situation today, but in the years just after 9/11, a one-way ticket was often a trigger for additional security screening. As long as you have left extra time for long lines anyway, that shouldn't be a problem. Please report after your trip.

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17603 posts

Is that on Alaska Airlines? They were having a sale, but that shouldn’t have made one-ways less than RT for the same flights.

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23713 posts

That is true but often that additional security was at the gate prior to boarding. I haven't seen that in years. It was silly. Supposedly the 9/11 folks all have one way business class tickets but once that info was out, no self-respecting hijacker would purchase a one way ticket. Another supposedly tip off was no or very little luggage and not checking anything.

No, Lola, it was United.