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Posted by
17603 posts

I like that they have a list of recommended containers. But I have found those Stasher silicone bags somewhat difficult to empty completely and to clean properly. I took one camping to use as a “boil in the bag” container for stew and it was quite frustrating!

Note that these rules are separate from, and unrelated to, customs regulations for transporting food to Europe, or bringing food home from Europe.

Posted by
148 posts

these rules are separate from, and unrelated to, customs regulations
for transporting food to Europe, or bringing food home from Europe.

Thanks Lola, very good point! Can't bring back the Sardinian Case Marzu cheese with live maggots :)

Posted by
415 posts

Always wanted to take my pet lobster on a grand tour. A 787 or A350, biz seat would be its preferred choice. Sadly, a little late for Gerard de Nerval and Thibault.

My wife broke into hysterical laughter with “breast milk are allowed in reasonable quantities when you are carrying them on”, and “you may need to remove these for them to be screened separately”.

Regards Ron

Posted by
17603 posts

Ron—- 😁👍😂
I laughed out loud and my husband asked what was so funny!

Posted by
2714 posts

That’s a key point about the additional rules for bringing food home from Europe. To make sure we don’t get into trouble with that, we throw away anything we have in the last few minutes of our arriving flight. We just keep things simple, especially since it’s not our practice to bring food souvenirs home.

I will say that once, transiting through LAX on a domestic trip, I got stopped by a TSA officer, who decided to enforce a rule about all food having to be literally separated from the rest of the carryon. I think this must be the rule he decided to focus on:

But he was serious. Every cookie, every coffee sucking candy, the M & M’s…it all had to be fed through the scanner in a single container. I had stuff stored everywhere - I have no idea why - it was just thrown around my purse, my small carryon, my big carryon. And then my travel mate had a similar amount of random stuff in his two bags.

It was crazy. I was covered in sweat, rifling through my stuff, a huge line behind me, watching it all.

It’s never happened to me again - but I still laugh now thinking about it.

Posted by
8103 posts

Valerie, I had one of the TSA stops wanting all of the food separate, so I have a practice of taking a gallon Ziploc bag where I place any mints, small bags of nuts, etc. in the top of the suitcase. If I have to take out my 311 bag, I also take out this bag for inspection. Then I have to remember to move a few of those to my purse when I’m waiting at the gate.

Posted by
15145 posts

Jean and Valerie…I had a time a few years ago leaving out of Lewiston. I’d stopped at Rosauers, picked up a sleeve of cinnamon raisin bagels, had them in the grocery bag with ticket going thru security figuring I would stash them better in the seating area. The TSA person actually wiped them down with the explosive tester stuff. The other lady who was stopped was a grandma with a tupperware container of cookies.

And Jean, the last 2 times out of Spokane I didn’t have to separate but yes, I now use the gallon bag method just in case!!

Ron, could your next lobster pass as an emotional support animal in the US??

Posted by
148 posts

Haha Ron you are too funny 🤣

Wish everyone a happy holiday season and a great new year!

Posted by
16880 posts

Ron!!. Thanks for the gift of a HUGE belly laugh for Christmas! 😂

Posted by
11814 posts

How about a US agriculture agent at JFK opening my tin of Greek olive oil, putting his finger in it to check for mold, closing it and returning it to me! I was horrified and threw it out!

Posted by
15145 posts

Oh Suki...that is gross...yes, into the bin it would have gone. Good grief.

Posted by
1448 posts

Recently traveling through San Antonio, TSA agent pulled my traveling lunch bag carryon to see just what that big blob of foil wrapped item was. I explained before he pulled it that I had a ball of frozen cookie dough in the bag. He found it, asked if he could unwrap it, giving my consent, he unwrapped the foil but thankfully left the plastic wrap alone. Somehow, this bag gets searched 4 times out of 5. Guessing because I usually have it packed with weird stuff. The cookies turned out delicious and my Dad was pleased to share with his buddies on his birthday.

Posted by
2810 posts

You guys are nicer than me when the TSA agent told me the food had to be separated I pulled out something, threw it in the bin and sent the rest of the luggage three. As usual, they never noticed anything. Kind of like the liquids. Ever since they started this liquid ban and your liquids had to be in the baggie, I’ve had a tube of hand lotion in my bag. It is never made the baggie and “they can see liquids”. as soon as they see it snd ask me about it I plan to send a letter of congratulations to their agency. The ban will probably disappear before I have to write that letter.

Now I do have food, separated and ready for any customs agent. That’s a completely different type of requirement than the security theater

Posted by
1072 posts

Just don't try bringing any food to Australia. There was a recent media article about someone returning to Australia from Bali who had their McDonalds hamburger confiscated by biosecurity officials.

Posted by
34560 posts

a cold hamburger that's been through a multi hour flight? They can have it. Regardless of brand.

Posted by
205 posts

I always get a sub before flying home from PA. TSA flagged my carry on because of the sandwich. Last trip, I separated it out the sandwich but it still got swabbed by TSA (still in the wrapper). I joked to the TSA agent he was better off just taking a bite of the sandwich. TSA didn't think that was funny....

Posted by
415 posts

Pleased that my weird humour gave a few laughs, particularly as mother nature picked the most inappropriate time to be a rather harsh mistress to many in US and my Canadian cousins. Misspent youth watching Monty Python, Two Ronnies, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore and other wacko’s from UK.

@Pam. Would be a good choice as an emotional support animal. Not to sure it would survive the complete journey. Goes well in a salad with a few prawns.

Bit late with this. Turned off my tv, mobile, sat phone and internet for a couple of days, just the radio on. May make it a habit.

Regards Ron