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TSA carry-on question: Crystalized Ginger??

I haven't flown since 9/11 (except for a 20 minute Canadian puddle-jumper with no security bother!). Anyway, I get airsick very easily (inner ear problem). I plan on taking Dramamine. But, eating cystalized ginger REALLY helps with the nausea. I want to bring some in my carry-on bag to use during the flight. It comes in a small can. I wanted to bring it in a plastic bag, but would the sealed can be more acceptable? Will the TSA allow me to do this? I read about only being able to bring food that was purchased at the airport (after going through security). Also, any problems bringing either glucose tablets (for low blood sugar) or spare AA batteries (for my camera)?? Any recent flight carry-on info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!

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2081 posts

hi, i feel for you since i get motion sick really easy. you can TRY to bring the ginger onboard, but what i would do is to get a prescription from your doctor for something that you know works. that way you wont have to worry about it if you dont get the ginger. also, a 10 hour flight (min) would suck royal if youre sick and you would probably want to die by the time the plane lands. one other thought, have you looked into ginger candy? there are some chewy type ginger candies that have a kick. For your glucose tabets, are they Over the counter (OTC) or prescription? just so you know, i bring a bottle the size of a beer/pop can full of mixed OTC stuff and so far, they havent said anything including my prescriptions. happy trails.

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17251 posts

Crystallized ginger is not a liquid or a gel. TSA won't care and you can bring it either in a can or a plastic bag. The bag is probably better so they can actually see what it is. They won't care about the glucose tablets either. And you actually can bring food through security, as long as it is not liquid or gel. Peanut butter in tubes or jars,, for example, is not allowed. Yogurt might be iffy. But sandwiches, hard cheese, fruits like apples, nuts, energy bars, etc., are all fine. I went throug laast week with a container of fried rice to eat while waiting to depart. Just be sure to have all your toiletries like shampoo, toothpaste, hand lotion, lip balm, etc. in a one-quart bag which you remove from your suitcase to put through the screener. And each container must be 100 g (3.4 ounces) or less. That is the container size, not the amount of liquid inside. I have seem them take away half-empty tubes of toothpaste because the original size was 5 ounces.

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4535 posts

Lola's info is accurate. Foods, solids, batteries, medicines are all fine to bring along. It doesn't matter how you pack them.

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117 posts

Hey, thank you, EVERYONE!! Glad to hear the ginger and glucose tabs should be okay. I'll also be bringing some RX meds (not OTC) in their original bottles, too. Should I bring a paper copy of the actual RX, as well?? The meds are my thyroid pills and 2 different antibiotics. I'm, not ill, but just recovered from a attack of diverticulitis, and am bringing the meds in case I have another attack during our month-long vacation). I sure appreciate your replies and knowledge!

Posted by
208 posts

Hi, you can get gravol ginger tablets now as well. They work pretty good. Good luck, I have motion sickness as well, but trains and cars, not so much for planes and it is awful!
Have a wonderful trip.

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9369 posts

If you are not carrying controlled substances, no one will care about your Rx meds. When I have flown with prescriptions, I just threw the bottle in my bag (carryon) and no one said a word. Since you are taking them "just in case", I wouldn't even worry about a paper copy of the prescription. To repeat an earlier poster, TSA only cares about security-related items, not food, vitamins, or meds (unless they are liquid or gel).

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4412 posts

Bring extra meds - they have a nasty habit of sliding down strange sink drains, rolling waaaaay under beds, and if your flight is'd be in real trouble.

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2619 posts

You might also look into the pre-wrapped ginger candies made by GingerPeople and Chimes (search for them on Amazon). They are individually wrapped and IMHO better tasting than crystallized ginger. That said, bringing ginger in plastic bag is fine. Also review the TSA website to prepare yourself for travel

Posted by
26 posts

I love Ting Ting Jahe, available at Asian markets. They come in a white pack that looks like a pack of cigarettes, but they have individually wrapped chewy ginger candies inside that tingle when you chew them. Inexpensive and yummy. Thanks for the ginger tip for my next trip!

Posted by
49 posts

Leave any prescription medications in the original bottle where what they are can be quickly ascertained. On a flight into Amsterdam several years a woman was stricken. All her pills were loose in a plastic bag and language was an issue, so the medical persons who came to her aid couldn't tell what her health situation really was. She could not be revived. The outcome could have been the same if the pills were in the original bottles, but why take the chance! They take a bit more space, but could save your life.