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trying to book train tickets from Paris to Colmar

Is there a website other than raileurope where you can print your tickets online?I was trying to use but am not being successful. Also if I call Bahn for tickets will ticket prices be comparable to the tgv website or higher priced?

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You should be successful on However, there are two things you need to do. First, select the UK as your country to keep the website in English. Second, on the next page, select Great Britain or Canada as the country where you will pick up your tickets to 1) still keep the website in English and 2) keep from being switched to Rail Europe. If you select the USA, you will be switched to Rail Europe. If you can buy the special PREM tickets, you can print them out at home. Or, you can pick up your tickets at any staffed train station in France with your paperwork and credit card used to make the purchase. No you don't need to go to the UK or Canada to pick up your tickets. You're just fooling the system so that you can use it.