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Trip to Paris & Prague

I will be flying to Paris via Norwegian Air next spring, but plan to spend a few days in Prague in the middle of the trip. This would be my first time purchasing a flight originating from another country, so I'm trying to understand if there would be any restrictions as a US citizen.

If I wanted to book a flight from Paris to Prague and back using another carrier, such as Air France, would there be an issue, since my Norwegian flight leaves from and returns to US?

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3912 posts

There should be no problem. Goodness knows that things change but what you describe is easily and often done. I did it just last year. People do it all the time both for vacations and business travel.

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4637 posts

There are no restrictions on the US citizens on flying around Europe at this time. I suppose it will be the same next spring.

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11294 posts

What you want to do (splice a flight within Europe in the middle of your trip) is no problem - any more than it would be for a French visitor to New York to book a round trip from JFK to Chicago in the middle of their New York trip.

You will be using your passport as your ID at the airport, and probably will have to input passport information when you book your ticket. Paris and Prague are both in the Schengen zone, so there will be no routine immigration checks (passport control). And they are both in the EU, so there is no customs.

The problem comes when people try to book flights on separate tickets on the same day - for instance, US to Paris on Norwegian, then Paris to Prague on Air France just a few hours after arrival. If there's any disruption and they miss the second flight, they are on the hook financially (no refunds - they have to buy a new, last-minute priced ticket) and logistically (they have to figure out themselves how to get to Prague, with no help from Norwegian or Air France). As long as you're not doing this, you'll be fine.