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Travelto Germany and food allergies

I am staying some time in Germany in mid-January and have learned that there is a lot of pork in the German diet. However, I cannot epork due to food allergies. Am I in trouble? Is there enough else to eat, besides pretzels, pastry and beer?

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2 posts

I am sorry for the way my original question/post came across. That was certainly not my intention. I am just very cautious about getting sick while abroad (in any country!). I am well traveled and consider myself very sensitive to stereotypes, and as I said, I did not mean my original post to convey any sort of generalization.

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2779 posts

The way the Germans are portrayed in episodes of The Simpsons is not exactly very realistic - however it IS funny I have to admit. We're not an all-Lederhosen pork nuckles and pretzels eating people. Well, maybe the Bavarians are but certainly not the other 65 millions of us. "is there enough else to eat besides pretzels, pastry and beer?" - You do realize the way we see the Americans is a people that only eats burgers, fries, burgers, hot dogs, burgers and drinks cola all the time? I have lived in the US long enough to know that's not true. But I assume that's why you're coming over to Germany. Anyway... we eat plenty of turkey, chicken, veal, beef, venison, fish, veggies, pastas etc etc so that there is no need to eat pork. If it's a saussage you can assume it's pork. But with everything else it's always clearly labeled. Also if you're uncertain just go to one of those 1 billion Turkish snack bars, restaurants and you can rest assured they will not serve anything pork to you.

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473 posts

Be careful with the sauerkraut. Many times it is made with bits of port or simmered with pork bones.

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86 posts

Make sure that you have a German speaker translate the message, politely, into German for you so you can take it along with you. I would not trust an internet translator if you're allergies are severe. Then when you arrive at restaurants or are considering a food, you can show then the slip that says, Does this contain pork? I am allergic.

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17221 posts

Alexis, the food in Germany is very good, and you will always be able to find choices like chicken or fish on the menu, in addition to pasta, salads, pizza, etc. You'll be fine.

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2779 posts

"I don't eat pork, I'm allergic to it." = "Ich esse kein Schweinefleisch, ich habe eine Schweinefleischallergie." [Ish haba aina shvaine flaish allargie]But again, several places in Germany serve kosher or halal food, which mustn't contain anything pork. Anything saussage, ham, bacon served in restaurants or hotels, e.g. for breakfast, most likely is pork. However turkey (Truthahn)cold cut has also become very popular.

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95 posts

I travelled last time with someone who didn't eat pork, and she had no problem in Bavaria -- pork was everywhere but so was turkey (I think it was pute in German)

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2779 posts

Yes, that's right. Turkey is Pute or Truthahn in German.