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Traveling in France and Italy

I will be traveling with my daughter in Europe soon. I am scheduled to meet my nice in Turin, then taking the fast train to Florence. Our first stop is the Campo Di Martre Station, then to the SMN. I would like to rent a car in Florence for a 4 day stay in Tuscany, then driving to Venice and leaving the car there. I am looking for the easiest but mostly safest way to pick up a rental car in Florence. A friend suggested getting a transfer to airport from first train stop in Florence and picking up car at airport. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. I will be traveling alone with my thirteen year old daughter.

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The scheme sounds complicated (changing trains or already being in Florence and hiking out to the airport) and I'm not quite sure of the sequence, but you'd best be served by getting the car as you leave Florence (whenever that is). The easiest place would be one of the agencies closer to SMN and then scoot out to the NW roughly parallel to the tracks. Once you're past the greater station complex, you're completely free of the ZTLs unless you turn around. Keep on heading generally west until you hit the E35 and turn north or south, depending of where in Tuscany you're heading. If the pickup is inside the ZTL, the rental agency will take take care of the ZTL waiver business, but you'll have to hustle straight out and not wander around or stop to eat - - the distance from the biggest cluster of rental agencis to the ZTL boundry is only about a mile.