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Traveling from Sorrento to Amalfi

Hi everyone! I am taking a trip in August and staying in Sorrento near the main ferry port. I would love to take a day trip to Amalfi and I am wondering the best way to get there from Sorrento. Websites and recommendations are highly appreciated!!
Side note: We have motion sickness issues!

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5322 posts

I'm not sure there is a best way in August- the peak of high season. You can take a SITA bus, which will most likely be full, and it may fill before you even get on it. Or you could pay a lot for a private car and driver. Either way, it's a narrow, twisty turny 2 lane road ( a problem if you get car sick), with heavy traffic that can come to complete standstill at times. And almost nowhere to park once you reach Amalfi. Or you can take the ferry,but there is no guarantee that you wouldn't get seasick unless you pop some Dramamine or Bonine well before boarding. Expect the ferries to be packed, too.

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1034 posts

We used the Rick Steves recommended - it was a van, but we loved it. The drive along the coast was amazing.

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16364 posts

Jessica, if you have issues with motion sickness I would definitely take a ferry. You might be really miserable in a bus or vehicle on the twisty AC roads. But I'd also bring an anti-nausea medication that you have taken and know works in case of rough seas cancelling ferry services.

People who don't suffer from severe motion sickness (I do) don't understand how it can ruin a day. I was green just in a van ride from Sorrento to Naples airport.

Here are current ferry schedules:

Editing to add: By "Amalfi" I'm going to assume you mean the town of Amalfi and not the greater Amalfi Coast, which encompasses a group of some 13 or so towns/villages.