What is the quickest way to get from Murren to London?
Thank you
Down the hill, train to Zurich, fly.
If you need quicker, helicopter to Zurich, then jet.
You might also consider Geneva or Basel airports, as they aren't much further away than Zurich. Geneva is an easyJet hub.
EasyJet flies Basel, Zürich or Geneva to Luton or Gatwick. Cheap if booked in advance and lots of flights.
Mürren to Zürich, Basel or Geneva is easy by train (connecting shuttle bus for Basel airport).
You can also do it by train, it would take over 10 hours. You go via Paris and need to change stations in Paris via the métro:
Mürren BLM dep 09:28, Grütschalp arr 09:41
Grütschalp dep 09:43, Lauterbrunnen (Seilbahn) arr 09:47
Lauterbrunnen dep 10:02, Interlaken Ost arr 10:23
Interlaken Ost dep 10:30, Basel SBB arr 12:29
Basel SBB dep 12:34, Paris-Gare de Lyon arr 15:38
Paris-Nord dep 17:13, London St. Pancras arr 18:32