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Traveling by train from Breisach Germany to Salzburg

On the train schedule there are 3 to 4 platform changes listed depending on what time you choose to travel. However being a newbie to train travel I'm wondering if 5 minutes will be enough time in Freiburg for me to figure out where I need to go? Also if a stop is listed with both arrival & departure times but no platform numbers will there be a platform change there?

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It's pretty tight. Hopefully you're not also dragging baggage. When the conductor checks your ticket ask for directions for your platform change so you know where you're going. Be at the door ready to hop off when the train stops and walk briskly to the new platform.

Five minutes is probably plenty for people who ride regularly and know where they are going. For you it will work if you have already asked directions and are ready to go when you arrive at the station.