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Traveling by bus from Porto, Portugal to Spain

We want to travel by bus from Porto to somewhere in Northwest Spain. Our ultimate destination in Spain is Santiago de Compostela, so we prefer a direct route from Porto to Santiago de Compostela. Is that an option? What bus companies should I try? The closest thing I've found is ALSA, which goes from Porto to A Coruna, Spain. Thanks in advance for your help!
- Charlee

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4555 posts

ALSA also has one run/day between Oporto and Santiago de Compostela. Leaves at 115 pm...gets in at 6 pm. It goes via Vigo. Cost is 29 Euro pp.
To find it, go to the ALSA website (, select Routes and Schedules, selec "Portugal" as your country and "Oporto" as your departure point...then select "Spain" and "Santiago Compostela" as your destination. They don't put the schedules out too far in advance, but this is a pretty regular run.

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1167 posts

I did the reverse of that trip just about a year ago. There is a time change between Portugal and Spain so the trip will be shorter for you than the schedule shows.