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Traveling between Prague, Vienna, and Budapest

Any advice out there on how best to travel between these cities affordably? If you can give us an idea of about how much it will cost (in dollars) that would be helpful too. We'll be traveling in late August/early September. Thanks!

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448 posts

Well, the first step is to buy Rick Steve's Best of Eastern Europe 2007....and then start checking the train schedules. Somewhere i read of a boat from Vienna to Budapest on the Danube...???...

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990 posts

There is a hydrofoil between Vienna and Budapest, but it's pricy and much of the route isn't that scenic. If you want a nice trip on the Danube, take the train-boat combination to Melk from Vienna, which goes along one of the more scenic stretches of the river.

Trains are efficient and well-priced between those cities. Don't forget to get a seat reservation when you get your ticket, though.