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Travel to Milan Airport

We are staying across the square from the train station in Milan and will need to get to Malpensa airport on a Sunday for a 9:40 a.m. flight. Can anyone advise the best (most economical) way to get there and how early we should leave to be timely for an international flight?

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If your flight is intercontinental (to the US), I'd get there 3 hours early. In Milan, flights to the US and flights to Israel use the same check-in, and I've gotten much more of an interrogation leaving than I'm used to. Not just "who packed your bags," but: "Where did you stay?" "Hotels" "How did you find the hotels?" "From guidebooks" "What was the name of one of your hotels?" "Pension xxxx"
"Do you have a receipt for the hotel?" Etc. etc. They were really trying to get me break down and say I actually stayed with a terrorist group, but I held firm <g>. And I'm not making this up. After the first time, I actually had my hotel receipts on the top of my bag, ready to show - and damned if they didn't ask for them again! But my friend who has also used Malpensa has never had this experience - maybe I just look like a terrorist. Anyway, between this, security lines, and finding your way around the airport (it's not the small place it was in 1989, when I first used it and called it "Malpensa Aiport and roadside fruit stand"), you will need time. And don't be afraid to ask directions if you have trouble finding your way around. The last time I was there, I met people who said they had been trying to find their check-in desk for an hour. There's no need for that (although I do understand how they got lost, I can't imagine why they didn't start asking around sooner). If, however, your international flight is to another Schengen country, this is treated similarly to a domestic flight, and you can get there much later. If it's to England, that's not Schengen, and you need more time (but probably not as much as to the US).