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Travel Merry & Tripster

I’ve been looking for airfare early summer and have found some great deals on and has anyone ever booked a flight on these websites? They are new to me and I’m not sure about them. Please help!

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985 posts

Did you google for reviews? I don't advise typically booking with anyone other than the airline itself. Many of these companies are scammers, drawing you in with great deals, only to find that oops - that price is no longer offered, or extra fees must be paid, baggage isn't included, or there is something wrong with the tickets which require a hefty fee in order for a change to be made. I wouldn't do it.

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16320 posts

Definitely check reviews on both (they are not hard to find). And is it Tripsta (not Tripster) you're lookin at?

That said, we book our international flights directly with the airlines; we don't want to have to try and sort any unexpected problems with a 3rd party booker.

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2535 posts

Booking directy with airlines is my method. When there is a problem before leaving, I can call and resolve. If there is a problem making a connection (same ticket), I just saunter over to the customer service counter.

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80 posts

Thank you all I figured it might be too good to be true. I’ll stick to my normal booking methods with the airlines.

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503 posts

Kate, I don't know anything about the two booking sites you asked about, I've never heard of them. I know that the majority of people on this forum recommend booking directly with the airline and say that they use the third party booking sites to look up flights and prices and then go to the specific airline to book and can get the same or cheaper prices. I have never found the prices quoted by the airline to be less expensive than what I have found with the third party booking sites. I have used these third party booking companies many, many times, both for overseas and domestic flights because the prices are always cheaper. I have never had a problem with them. Maybe I've just been lucky. I guess I'm just posting this to let you know that there times where this has worked out.

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996 posts

I've never used either, but Tripsta has some terrible reviews over on the Trip Advisor forum.

I almost always book directly with the airlines because it gives me the greatest control over my flight experience. If a ticket is booked through a third party agent, you usually have to go back through the same third party agent to resolve any problems that might arise.

If you register for an airline's frequent flyer program, you should be on their email list to receive notifications of fare sales. Now I've never had a sale come through when I'm actually looking to buy a ticket, but you never know!

Good luck with your trip planning!

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371 posts

If everything with an online booking service goes exactly right perhaps it would work for some. But I would never book with with a such a service for so many reasons as others have mentioned. And it appears that travel merry is an especially bad choice. Bad review