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travel insurance

We are traveling to Italy, Germany, Switz...and have never purchased travel insurance; yet, times have changed. A. do people recommend doing this? B. What experience do people have in trying to extract refunds etc., through various insurance companies (for example, for covered items such as reimbursements for flight problems)?

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2788 posts

check out for additional information

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931 posts

We always go to, the parameters of our trip ,and then pick from one of the policies that fits our needs.

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1175 posts

We always purchase travel insurance and have never had to use it. We also purchase air ambulance coverage since we are in our late 60's, in good health but.... so we purchase it. It's a small part of the cost of travel and we go to Asia and Europe often.

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17247 posts

We bought insurance for the first time this year, for two separate trips. One of them we were not able to make as one of our travel companions had a medical emergency the morning we were supposed to depart. This was a ski trip to Canada, not a European trip, so our expenses were for condo and lift tickets,but almost $2000. We submitted the claim and received full reimbursement for our prepaid expenses with No trouble at all.